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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2024, Vol. 64 Issue (1): 99-108    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.21.017
  动力与能源 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
金明1, 陆羽笛1, 李原森1, 柳伟杰2, 葛冰1, 臧述升1
1. 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院, 上海 200240;
2. 中国航空发动机集团 中国航空发动机研究院, 北京 101304
Experimental investigations on flow-flame-acoustic dynamic characteristics of a central staged burner
JIN Ming1, LU Yudi1, LI Yuansen1, LIU Weijie2, GE Bing1, ZANG Shusheng1
1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;
2. Aero-Engine Academy of China, Aero Engine Corporation of China, Beijing 101304, China
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摘要 通过高频粒子图像测速法(particle image velocimetry,PIV)及高速相机、压力传感器、光电倍增管等,研究中心分级燃烧器流-热-声动态特性,揭示了中心分级燃烧器单级旋流和中心分级火焰的流动及热声稳定性的变化规律。结果表明:主燃级为旋流火焰时,预燃级的旋流空气会破坏流场中的回流区,加剧主燃级火焰的不稳定性,而预燃级为旋流火焰时可将主燃级火焰的脉动压力幅值降低76.8%;燃烧热负荷增大导致气流加速膨胀,诱发射流剪切层产生更高强度的旋涡,预燃级与主燃级火焰相互干涉可加速旋涡的耗散,改变了旋涡的脱落频率;与单级旋流火焰相比,主燃级和预燃级火焰干涉区的火焰脉动最剧烈,且主燃级射流外剪切层的大尺度旋涡加剧了主燃级火焰的脉动。
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关键词 中心分级燃烧器本征正交分解(proper orthogonal decomposition, POD)模态分解流动不稳定性热声不稳定性    
Abstract:[Objective] To reveal the influence of interaction between pilot and main flames on flow and thermoacoustic instability characteristics, the flow and thermoacoustic dynamic characteristics of the pilot stage, main stage, and centrally staged flames in the combustion chamber of the central staged model combustor are studied in detail through experiments.[Methods] High-speed measurement methods such as high-frequency particle image velocimetry, high-speed camera, pressure sensors, and photomultiplier tube are used to study the flow-flame-acoustic dynamic characteristics of the central staged burner. During the experiments, the unsteady flow field, flame CH* signal distribution, global heat-release rate, and pressure pulsation characteristics are measured under different testing conditions.[Results] The results showed that the pilot swirling jet had a significant influence on the flow-flame-acoustic dynamic characteristics of the stratified burner. Furthermore, when the pilot stage used a swirling flame, the main recirculation zone was formed downstream of the nozzle outlet and the high-temperature burned gas was rolled back to improve the combustion stability of the swirl flame. The peak value of pressure was 683 Pa, and the main peak values of dynamic pressure and heat release were both visible at a frequency of 120 Hz. However, the dominant frequency of the flow field proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) time coefficient spectrum showed that the dominant frequencies of large-scale shedding vortex in the flow field were 68 and 109 Hz, indicating that the interaction between pilot and main flames caused the thermoacoustic instability frequency to be inconsistent with large-scale vortex shedding frequency. Moreover, the dominant frequency of pressure and heat release were slightly shifted when the pilot stage was operated with a swirling air jet, and it was reduced by 5 Hz and got to 115 Hz. However, the main recirculation zone disappeared, resulting in a strengthening of the thermoacoustic instability and an increase in the peak pressure to 2 947 Pa. The dominant frequency of the flow field POD time coefficient spectrum showed that the frequency of the shedding vortex generated by the swirling flow shear layer of the main stage was 115 Hz, which was well locked with the frequency of the thermoacoustic instability mode under this condition. The results, in this case, showed that acoustic-velocity-flame instabilities were mutually coupled under the single-swirling flame self-excited oscillation condition. However, for the flame interaction case, the flow instability frequency induced by flame and pressure oscillations changed significantly, and the coupling between acoustic-velocity-flame instabilities was also destroyed.[Conclusions] When the main stage is operated with swirling air, whether the pilot stage is operated with swirling air or swirling flame, the stable main recirculation zone can always be observed at the burner exit plane. However, when the main stage is operated with a swirling flame, the swirling air from the pilot stage destroys the main recirculation zone, which is detrimental to the main-stage swirling flame's combustion stability. The main recirculation zone reappears when the pilot stage is converted into a swirling flame. The increased heat load also causes the accelerated expansion of the gas, which induces a stronger vortex in the swirling flow shear layer. However, the interaction between the pilot flame and the main flame accelerates the dissipation of the vortex.
Key wordscentral staged burner    proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) analysis    flow instability    thermoacoustic instability
收稿日期: 2022-11-23      出版日期: 2023-11-30
通讯作者: 葛冰,副研究员,     E-mail:
作者简介: 金明(1997—),男,博士研究生。
金明, 陆羽笛, 李原森, 柳伟杰, 葛冰, 臧述升. 中心分级燃烧器流-热-声动态特性实验研究[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 64(1): 99-108.
JIN Ming, LU Yudi, LI Yuansen, LIU Weijie, GE Bing, ZANG Shusheng. Experimental investigations on flow-flame-acoustic dynamic characteristics of a central staged burner. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2024, 64(1): 99-108.
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