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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2024, Vol. 64 Issue (1): 146-154    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.22.025
  工程物理 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
张秋丽, 张鹏, 景明坤, 曾志, 马豪
清华大学 工程物理系, 北京 100084
Cosmogenic radionuclides produced in high-purity germanium detectors during fabrication and transport
ZHANG Qiuli, ZHANG Peng, JING Mingkun, ZENG Zhi, MA Hao
Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 暗物质探测和寻找无中微子双β衰变(0υββ)等稀有事例实验是当前重要的基础前沿课题。高纯锗(HPGe)探测器具有极低本底,成为开展此类研究的重要设备。然而,探测器在制作和运输过程中会被宇宙射线活化,产生的长寿命宇生放射性核素对本底有长期贡献,会严重影响稀有事例实验的探测灵敏度。该文研究了一个新定制的高纯锗探测器在生产和运输中产生的宇生核素。该探测器在制作完成后立即运送到中国锦屏地下实验室(CJPL),而后在不同时间测量该探测器在屏蔽条件下的本底能谱。利用GEANT4 Monte Carlo程序模拟锗晶体内、外宇生核素的衰变能谱并计算了宇生核素的探测效率,最终通过能谱分析得到宇生核素的比活度,即锗晶体中57Co: 0.016 mBq/kg,58Co: 0.046 mBq/kg,54Mn: 0.012 mBq/kg;结构铜中57Co: 0.452 mBq/kg,58Co: 1.245 mBq/kg,54Mn: 0.382 mBq/kg,60Co: 0.389 mBq/kg。该结果有助于深入理解本底能谱的构成,同时该文计算宇生核素比活度的思路可以为使用高纯锗探测器开展稀有事例探测的宇生本底评估提供参考。
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关键词 高纯锗(HPGe)探测器宇生放射性核素比活度    
Abstract:[Objective] Currently, experiments searching for rare event, such as the interaction of weakly interacting massive particles or the nuclear double beta decay, are important frontier topics in fundamental physics. Due to the considerably low probability of nuclear processes, experiments require ultralow background conditions, particularly for all materials in detection systems. Low-level high-purity germanium (HPGe) gamma-ray spectrometer with an extremely low threshold, high energy resolution, and ultralow radioactive background is critical in material selection for rare event experiments. However, cosmogenic radionuclides contaminate the germanium crystals and other materials of detectors during fabrication, storage, and transport. Effective removal of long-lived radionuclides inside germanium crystals, such as 60Co and 54Mn, within a short period is difficult, which can be considerably problematic for achieving the required sensitivity and seriously affect rare event searches. The direct, experimental information regarding the quantification of cosmogenic activation yields is scarce since analyzing cosmogenic radionuclides requires tracing the entire process from detector material preparation to the implementation of experiments. Most simulation methods were considered to quantify the activation yields of the long-lived radioisotopes that were cosmogenically induced on the ground in germanium crystals and cupreous detector components, such as YIELDX, ACTIVIA, TALYA, and GEANT4.[Methods] Herein, the cosmogenic activation of a newly customized low-level HPGe gamma-ray spectrometer was experimentally investigated. The detector was stored in underground plants except during assembly and manufacture. Immediately after the fabrication, the detector was transported by rail to the China Jinping underground laboratory (CJPL) for background measurement. The cosmogenic activation of materials in the underground can be considered negligible because the flux of cosmic nucleons in the CJPL was suppressed at depths of a few kilometers of water equivalent. Background measurement was performed with nitrogen flushing and multiple shields at different times. The cosmogenic radionuclides in the shielding materials can be ignored because they have been stored in the CJPL for more than six years. The characteristic gama peaks of the cosmogenic radionuclides 57Co, 58Co, 60Co, and 54Mn were observed in the energy spectra obtained during the experiment. Previous simulations indicated that both germanium crystals and copper bombarded by high-energy cosmic rays would produce these four radionuclides. The detection efficiencies of cosmogenic radionuclides were simulated using the GEANT4 Monte Carlo procedure. By fitting the curves that illustrated the changing characteristic peak counts over time, we obtained the specific activity of cosmogenic radionuclides in germanium crystals and copper.[Results] We assumed that cosmogenic radionuclides were produced during the entire process of fabrication and transport on the ground for approximately one month, and the specific activities of cosmogenic radionuclides inside the detector were calculated via spectral analysis, where the net area of a peak was determined under the assumption of a linear background. In the germanium crystals, the specific activities were obtained as 0.016 mBq/kg for 57Co, 0.046 mBq/kg for 58Co, and 0.012 mBq/kg for 54Mn, while in cupreous detector components, 0.452 mBq/kg for 57Co, 1.245 mBq/kg for 58Co, 0.382 mBq/kg for 54Mn, and 0.389 mBq/kg for 60Co, were obtained.[Conclusions] This research is essential for understanding and analyzing background spectra and creating background models for low-level radioactivity measurements. Moreover, the proposed method for estimating the specific activities of cosmogenic radionuclides provides a reference for assessing the cosmogenic background in rare event detection using HPGe detectors.
Key wordshigh-purity germanium (HPGe) detector    cosmogenic radionuclides    specific activity
收稿日期: 2022-12-15      出版日期: 2023-11-30
通讯作者: 曾志,研究员,     E-mail:
作者简介: 张秋丽(1999—),女,博士研究生。
张秋丽, 张鹏, 景明坤, 曾志, 马豪. 高纯锗探测器制作和运输中产生的宇生放射性核素[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 64(1): 146-154.
ZHANG Qiuli, ZHANG Peng, JING Mingkun, ZENG Zhi, MA Hao. Cosmogenic radionuclides produced in high-purity germanium detectors during fabrication and transport. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2024, 64(1): 146-154.
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