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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2024, Vol. 64 Issue (2): 224-234    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.22.054
  建设管理 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
刘广宇1, 安芃2, 伍震2, 胡振中2
1. 广东省路桥建设发展有限公司, 广州 510623;
2. 清华大学 深圳国际研究生院, 深圳 518055
Ontology-based modeling and application of highway engineering safety knowledge
LIU Guangyu1, AN Peng2, WU Zhen2, HU Zhenzhong2
1. Guangdong Road & Bridge Construction Development Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510623, China;
2. Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China
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摘要 针对工程安全管理中普遍存在的知识缺口问题,提出一套基于本体技术实现领域知识建模和更新的方法。以公路工程领域为范例,从行业标准规范的文本数据中自动提取安全知识,构建领域知识图谱;通过知识模型与建筑信息模型(BIM)的结合,开发安全管理应用场景,展示本体引导的知识图谱对工程安全管理的辅助作用。领域本体在知识图谱中作为本体层结构,表示为一个包含7个层级、390个有效节点的多维度层状结构;基于本体层的引导开发知识提取算法,从海量文本中提取网状知识结构,形成知识图谱的数据层。知识模型的更新采用由数据层到本体层的知识流动方式;提出基于类属关系、构成关系和实体核心词聚类的3类方法,实现本体层的更新。将知识模型关联实际项目的BIM,从安全管理的应用层面出发,验证了本体的引入在知识的组织和扩展中起到良好效果,展现了知识模型与BIM的结合呈现出的智能化应用前景。该研究为领域知识图谱的构建、更新、应用全过程提供了一个完整的范例,对于本体更新过程实现了方法创新,拓展了知识图谱的应用领域和技术思路,有助于提升工程安全管理的信息化水平。
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关键词 知识建模安全管理建筑信息模型(BIM)公路工程本体    
Abstract:[Objective] Ontology structure has been proved to be particularly important in the construction and organization of a knowledge graph (KG). A comprehensive method for the modeling, updating, and application of KG with the guidance of domain ontology needs to be explored. In view of the common knowledge gap in engineering safety management, this paper aims to propose an ontology-based framework to achieve domain knowledge modeling and updating. Using the highway engineering field as an example, this paper demonstrates how safety knowledge can be automatically extracted from industry-standard text data to facilitate the construction of a domain KG. Subsequently, the safety management scenarios are developed based on the building information model (BIM), and the auxiliary role of intelligent knowledge in safety management is demonstrated to verify the effectiveness of the engineering application of the developed KG. [Methods] This paper used the ontology-guided domain knowledge extraction method to construct the domain KG and proposed a knowledge network-guided method to update the ontology. Specifically, a layered knowledge system with multiple dimensions was summarized as the ontology layer based on the management approach and the established standard specifications within highway engineering. Following the guidance of the ontology layer, a structured knowledge network acting as the data layer was extracted from massive text materials by developing a series of knowledge extraction procedures. Consequently, a knowledge-flowing method from the data layer to the ontology layer was proposed. Three categories of methods based on the essence and composition of entities and the clustering of the entity's core words were summarized to realize the automatic updating of the ontology layer. Finally, combined with the developed highway safety information retrieval and application system, this paper demonstrated the organization and application of the constructed domain KG, thus verifying the effect of introducing ontology in the organization and deployment of knowledge. [Results] The developed ontology of highway engineering safety knowledge was featured as a layered knowledge system with seven levels and 390 nodes connected with~300 000 valid entity nodes in the data layer, facilitating the creation and integration of the KG's logical structures. The proposed method for updating the domain ontology aided by over 1 000 technical terms was demonstrated to be effective, with an increment of 51.5% in the expansion of the nodes to the ontology. The designed method of linking the ontology-guided domain KG with the BIM was validated for its feasibility through practical implementation within a real highway engineering safety management system, displaying the positive impact of ontology's guidance in the organization and expansion of knowledge. [Conclusions] This paper concentrates on the domain of highway engineering safety and presents a comprehensive paradigm for constructing, updating, and applying a domain KG to demonstrate methodological innovation in ontology updating. The results extend the application scope and technical approaches of KG technology, thereby enhancing information technology level in engineering safety management. Moreover, the findings of this research can be used for BIM evaluation and safety guidance in highway engineering construction projects, thereby advancing the level of information technology in construction safety management.
Key wordsknowledge modeling    safety management    building information model (BIM)    highway engineering    ontology
收稿日期: 2023-08-18      出版日期: 2023-12-28
ZTFLH:  TU714  
通讯作者: 胡振中,副教授,     E-mail:
作者简介: 刘广宇(1980-),男,高级工程师。
刘广宇, 安芃, 伍震, 胡振中. 基于本体的公路工程安全领域知识建模和应用[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 64(2): 224-234.
LIU Guangyu, AN Peng, WU Zhen, HU Zhenzhong. Ontology-based modeling and application of highway engineering safety knowledge. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2024, 64(2): 224-234.
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