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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2024, Vol. 64 Issue (2): 318-336    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.26.047
  航天航空工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
陈忠灿1,2, 张凯1, 李枫1, 赵月1, 武健辉1, 贺棋楝1, 陈民2
1. 中国运载火箭技术研究院, 北京 100076;
2. 清华大学 航天航空学院, 北京 100084
Application and research progress of transpiration cooling technology in flight vehicles
CHEN Zhongcan1,2, ZHANG Kai1, LI Feng1, ZHAO Yue1, WU Jianhui1, HE Qilian1, CHEN Min2
1. China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Beijing 100076, China;
2. School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 随着高焓、长时间热环境下飞行器热防护技术需求提升,新型空天飞行器亟待发展更高效的热防护技术。发汗冷却技术具有防热效率高、不改变结构雏形等优点,应用前景广阔。该文探讨了发汗冷却技术应用于飞行器热防护的优势和挑战,从性能评估快速计算、流动传热数值仿真、冷却机理与性能考核实验、效能最优控制算法和应用结构型式优化等方面进行了综述,总结了发汗冷却技术的研究现状和最新进展,分析了当前研究存在的问题,并给出了建议。系统复杂、冷却剂输运不均、工作过程不易稳定控制和建立高精度预测模型难度大是发汗冷却技术用于飞行器热防护时存在的难点。现有研究存在预测模型适用范围有限与准确度较低、实验测量手段单一、控制策略难以实现系统最优和新型结构方法缺乏工程细化方案等不足。微/介观尺度精细化数值计算模型、先进可视化实验测试手段、快速响应精确控制策略、自驱动与自适应结构工程化方案和主被动组合式热防护是后续研究的重点方向。
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关键词 发汗冷却技术主动热防护飞行器多孔介质    
Abstract:[Significance] Aerospace vehicles have undergone significant modifications in terms of aerodynamic shape, flight speed, flight environment, and flight duration compared with conventional flight vehicles. They must withstand harsh aerodynamic thermal environments for long durations and maintain a sharp leading-edge shape with a high lift-to-drag ratio, imposing extremely stringent requirements on the temperature resistance, durability, structural efficiency, and reliability of the thermal protection system. Traditional thermal protection depends largely on passive methods such as heat insulation, heat sink, and radiation heat dissipation. Although the thermal protection performance of related technologies has improved, which is restricted by several constraints, such as ensuring that the prototype is safe under harsh conditions of extremely high heat flux and ultrahigh temperature along with structural stability, long-term operation, light-weight nature, and repeatability. Thus, a new active thermal protection technology is necessary. In this context, transpiration cooling technology offers the advantage of high thermal efficiency without requiring any changes in the prototype of a vehicle. It has been widely considered a potential active thermal protection technology. However, when transpiration cooling is used for thermal protection of a flight vehicle, some challenges related to the complexity of the system, a mismatch between coolant supply and demand, unstable control of the operation, and development of a high-precision prediction model etc., arise. [Progress] Research on transpiration cooling primarily focused on quick evaluation of performance, numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer, evaluation of cooling mechanism performance, development of optimal control algorithm for efficiency, and optimization of structure form and yielded beneficial results. However, several fundamental scientific issues needed to be urgently addressed to fully realize the engineering application of this technology in aerospace vehicles. In the context of numerical simulation, the accuracy and adaptability of the heat and mass transfer model should be improved. Most existing studies had mathematically described and solved the physical process of heat and mass transfer in porous media at the macroscale. But some parameters related to specific phase change heat and mass transfer (such as evaporation/condensation coefficient and fluid-solid convection heat transfer coefficient) that affect the model's accuracy must be modified through experiments, and the adaptation was partially successful. Most existing models assumed that the temperature of porous media, liquid phases, and gas phases were equal. Although a few models explored the nonequilibrium effect between porous media and fluids, they did not consider the nonequilibrium effect between gas and liquid phases. There were few flight experiments in the research and a large gap between the ground experimental test and practical use conditions. Furthermore, extreme effects related to high-temperature, real, and rarefied gases and shock wave/boundary layer interference during high-speed flight could not be effectively reproduced on the ground. Moreover, there was a lack of experimental data that could be used to verify the accuracy of the heat and mass transfer model. The experimental test method was relatively simple, and the flow and heat transfer process of the liquid in the porous medium could not be obtained. It was challenging to effectively obtain the boundary layer flow law of the liquid when it entered the high-speed mainstream flow from the porous medium. In terms of control strategy, the present research on transpiration cooling control systems lacked a transient simplified mathematical model that could be quickly established, particularly for liquid phase change transpiration cooling with the multiphase flow and phase change process. Simultaneously, there were few transpiration cooling control systems with practical engineering values based on modern control theory, which made it difficult to achieve optimal performance in practical engineering applications. Some adaptive and self-driven transpiration cooling systems had been proposed as new forms of transpiration cooling structures; however, they were still at the mechanism verification stage, and the engineering application effect needed to be verified. [Conclusions and Prospects] Follow-up research will focus on the micro/mesoscale fine numerical calculation model, advanced visual experimental testing methods, rapid response-precise control strategies, self-driven and adaptive structural engineering systems, and combined active and passive thermal protection.
Key wordstranspiration cooling technology    active thermal protection    flight vehicle    porous medium
收稿日期: 2023-04-23      出版日期: 2023-12-28
ZTFLH:  TK124  
通讯作者: 陈民,教授,     E-mail:
作者简介: 陈忠灿(1990-),男,博士研究生,工程师。
陈忠灿, 张凯, 李枫, 赵月, 武健辉, 贺棋楝, 陈民. 发汗冷却技术在飞行器上的应用及展望[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 64(2): 318-336.
CHEN Zhongcan, ZHANG Kai, LI Feng, ZHAO Yue, WU Jianhui, HE Qilian, CHEN Min. Application and research progress of transpiration cooling technology in flight vehicles. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2024, 64(2): 318-336.
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