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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2024, Vol. 64 Issue (8): 1357-1366    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2024.26.007
  航空航天与工程力学 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
王浩轩1, 容易2, 曾耀祥1
1. 北京宇航系统工程研究所, 北京 100076;
2. 中国运载火箭技术研究院, 北京 100076
Prediction method of lift-off acoustic environment for multinozzle rockets
WANG Haoxuan1, RONG Yi2, ZENG Yaoxiang1
1. Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China;
2. China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Beijing 100076, China
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摘要 为提高多喷管火箭起飞噪声环境预示能力,该文基于Kudryavtsev方法提出了3点修正:利用分布源方法(distributed source method,DSM)修正自由喷流段声源指向性,并重新分配噪声源功率;通过噪声遮蔽模型估计发射台和勤务塔的噪声衰减;采用芯级多喷流等效为单喷流计算和助推单喷流独立计算的方法预示多喷流噪声。利用修正方法预示了某火箭起飞不同时刻勤务塔附近噪声环境。对比修正方法和Kudryavtsev方法发现,修正方法在火箭起飞2 s内最大预示误差小于5.0 dB,预示精度相较Kudryavtsev方法提高约10.0 dB;修正方法能更准确预示声压级峰值时刻,且峰值时刻附近声压级误差小于3.0 dB;修正方法的1/3倍频程声压级谱全频段预示误差小于6.0 dB,关键频段预示误差小于3.0 dB。修正方法预示精度更高,具有重要工程应用价值。
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关键词 起飞噪声环境指向性噪声遮蔽多喷管火箭导流槽    
Abstract:[Objective] Lift-off acoustic environment is most severe during the rocket flight. This broadband random noise can cause high-intensity random responses of the rocket structure. Predicting the lift-off acoustic environment is important to guide the design of rocket noise protection. The Kudryavtsev method is a comprehensive technique that considers five noise sources during lift-off of rocket; however, it weakens the directivity of the free jet and neglects the shielding of the launch pad and service tower. In addition, the multijet equivalent method does not consider the distance between jets. Therefore, three modifications are made based on the Kudryavtsev method to enhance the prediction ability of the lift-off acoustic environment of multinozzle rockets. [Methods] The lift-off acoustic environment was predicted using five types of noise sources, namely the noise of the undisturbed free jet above the launch table, noise of interaction between the jet and launch table, noise of reflection by the launch table, noise of the disturbed free jet between the launch pad entrance and deflector, and noise of diversion channel exit. For free-jet noise sources, the distributed source method Ⅱ (DSM-Ⅱ) was employed to correct directivity and redistribute the noise power. Herein, two normalization curves of noise power distribution in DSM-Ⅱ were corrected by empirical formulas, increasing the results by about 1.5 dB. Subsequently, considering the structural shielding in noise propagation paths, Maekawa's noise shielding model was utilized to estimate the noise attenuation of the launch pad and service tower. Based on numerical simulation results, a equivalent method was used for predicting the multijet noise of rockets. The multijet noise of the core stage was calculated by a equivalent single jet, and the single jet noise of boosters was calculated independently. The modified method was employed for predicting the acoustic environment near the service tower of a certain rocket at different times of lift-off. [Results] Comparison results indicated that for the overall sound pressure level (OASPL), the maximum prediction error of the modified method was less than 5.0 dB within 2 s of lift-off, while the maximum prediction error of the Kudryavtsev method was more than 15.0 dB. The accuracy was increased by about 10.0 dB. The modified method can more accurately predict the peak time, and the error of OASPL near peak time was less than 3.0 dB. In contrast, the peak time predicted by Kudryavtsev method was smaller, and the maximum error of OASPL near peak time was more than 3.0 dB for the Kudryavtsev method. For the 1/3-octave-band sound pressure level spectrum at the peak time of OASPL, the peak frequency and sound pressure level of the modified method were near the test data. The maximum error of the modified method was less than 6.0 dB in the full band and less than 3.0 dB in the 1-5 kHz frequency band. However, the maximum error of Kudryavtsev method was more than 6.0 dB. [Conclusions] Herein, three modifications were done based on the Kudryavtsev method, which effectively enhanced the prediction accuracy. Compared with the original method, the modified method has high accuracy within 2 s of lift-off and near peak time. In addition, the predicted 1/3-octave-band sound pressure level spectrum of the modified method is closer to the test data. Thus, the method presented in this study has higher prediction accuracy and can be better applied in practical engineering.
Key wordslift-off acoustic environment    directivity    noise shielding    multinozzle rocket    diversion channel
收稿日期: 2023-08-01      出版日期: 2024-07-19
通讯作者: 容易,研究员,     E-mail:
王浩轩, 容易, 曾耀祥. 多喷管火箭起飞噪声环境预示方法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 64(8): 1357-1366.
WANG Haoxuan, RONG Yi, ZENG Yaoxiang. Prediction method of lift-off acoustic environment for multinozzle rockets. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2024, 64(8): 1357-1366.
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