Query authentications based on a fixed grid partitioning quad-tree index in LBS big data |
NING Bo, PEI Xiaoxia, LI Yuju, PEI Xinyu |
School of Information Science and Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China |
Abstract When publishing data from location-based services (LBS), the data owner authorizes a third party publisher to be responsible for forwarding the appropriate result to the mobile clients. However, the service provider in the LBS big data may be susceptible to attacks which may lead to garbled or incorrect query results that can have commercial interest. This paper describes a quad-tree indexing structure based on a fixed grid partitioning mechanism for spatial range query authentication that partitions and indexes the spatial data. The position of an object in the LBS big data changes with time, so the data requires a dynamic index structure that can deal with many update operations. The spatial index structure presented here to update the price has low overhead, is convenient for data management systems, shortens the retrieval time for range queries, and uses a quad-tree index for high query efficiencies. The system ensures the authenticity, completeness and correctness of the query results. Tests show that this method is effective.
location-based service
query authentication
privacy preservation
big data
Issue Date: 15 July 2016
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