Interlayer strength of hydraulic concrete and layer surface treatment improvementin Wudongde Dam |
XU Wenbin, HU Yu, LI Qingbin |
State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
Abstract Concrete pouring layer surfaces are seriously affected by the environment when hydraulic concrete pours in dry, windy environments which affects the interlayer strength. The effect of the concrete interlayer surface is analyzed for various environmental conditions by measuring the interlayer splitting tensile strength and the water content of the first concrete layer. The results show that the interlayer strength is reduced by the environmental conditions with the interlayer strength related to the water content in the first layer. Therefore, the water content can be used to predict interlayer strength. A layer remodeling method is proposed to improve the interlayer strength based on the extreme situation of a water shortage on concrete surface of the first layer surface.
hydraulic concrete
interlayer strength
layer remodeling
water content
Issue Date: 15 August 2017
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