Detection of IRC Botnet C&C channels using the instruction syntax |
YAN Jianen, ZHANG Zhaoxin, XU Haiyan, ZHANG Hongli |
School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China |
Abstract The command and control (C&C) channel is a unique way that a Internet relay chat (IRC) Botnet sends commands to control the Botnet. This study analyzed the syntax characteristics of the control command to develop a method to detect the control command channel. A creditable coefficient was defined to describe the possibility of a sentence in a channel being a Botnet control command. An improved threshold random walk (TRW) algorithm was used with the creditable coefficients to accelerate the C&C channel detection. Tests show that this method can efficiently detect Botnet C&C channels.
instruction syntax
threshold random walk (TRW)
Issue Date: 15 September 2017
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