Representation learning approach for medical activities enhanced by topical modeling |
XU Xiao, WANG Ying, JIN Tao, WANG Jianmin |
School of Software, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
Abstract With the explosion of the amount of medical data, data-driven medical analyses are receiving increasing attention. Proper representation of medical activities is crucial for such analyses. However, most existing representations are designed without considering the temporality and numerical sensitivity of medical data, which limits the performance and interpretability of the analysis tasks. This paper presents a representation learning approach for medical activities that is enhanced by topical modeling for inpatient data. The approach leverages the temporal relations between activities and the topic assignment to construct a multilayer perceptron model. Evaluations using large real data sets demonstrate that this approach significantly improves three typical medical analysis tasks, while providing medical interpretations.
representation learning
topic modeling
multilayer perceptron
medical analyses
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Issue Date: 19 March 2019
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