Shape optimization of a trapezoidal canal structure for coupled temperature-water-soil conditions in cold regions |
WANG Yi, LIU Jincheng, LIU Quanhong, WANG Zhengzhong |
Cold and Arid Regions Water Engineering Safety Research Center, Key Laboratory of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid and Semiarid Areas of Ministry of Education, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China |
Abstract The shape of a large trapezoidal canal in a cold region should be optimized to improve the water delivery and minimize frost damage. This study used a double objective analysis to optimize the hydraulics and the frost damage prevention for a canal using the hierarchical sequence method. A frost heave model was developed for a concrete lining canal based on thermo-hydro-mechanics frost heave theory for freezing soil to predict the canal deformation for various temperature, water, and soil conditions. The optimal hydraulic design was predicted first with the canal section parameters then used as the solution set space for the frost damage prevention optimization. The overall stiffness index of the lining was set as the optimization object with the allowable maximum normal displacement and stress in the lining set as the optimization constraints. The model was solved using the secondary hierarchical sequence method in COMSOL. The results show that this method can consider both the water delivery and the frost damage effect on the canal section. The practical case results indicate that the overall stiffness index of the lining is reduced by 30%-48% from that of the original design using this method to get an optimized canal section, which improves the adaptability to frost damage of the lining structure. This method can also be used for similar analyses involving hydraulics and frost damage effects.
lined canal
coupling of temperature-water-soil and structure
shape optimization
hierarchical sequence method
thermo-hydro-mechanics theory
Issue Date: 05 August 2019
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