Analyses on finite earth pressure and slope safety factors |
JIE Yuxin |
State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
Abstract This paper analyzes recent geotechnical engineering studies such as the finite earth pressures, slope safety factors and critical slip surfaces. However, current methods for calculating the finite earth pressure are not appropriate since they predict that the earth pressure decreases to zero as the soil mass width decreases, which violates the soil mechanics laws. The Rankine earth pressure theory can still be used to calculate the finite earth pressure. The slope safety factor is defined according to the strength reserve with no need to distinguish between the "anti-sliding force" and the "sliding force". The shear strength definition shows that the soil shear strength should be used to calculate the safety factor for a given soil slope slip surface. However, a slope cannot necessarily be adjusted to develop its "maximum anti-sliding ability". Furthermore, the critical slip surface corresponding to the minimum safety factor may not be the first surface to slide. Thus, this investigation helps discriminate the key concepts for understanding geotechnical mechanics.
finite soil mass
earth pressure
slope safety factor
slip surface
Issue Date: 05 August 2019
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