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Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)    2019, Vol. 59 Issue (11) : 910-916     DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.26.011
Interfacial shearing of anchored rock slopes with a weak layer under earthquake loading
YAN Zhixin1, LI Yapeng1,2, LONG Zhe1, ZHAI Juyun1, JIN Feifei1,2
1. School of Civil and Traffic Engineering, Henan University of Urban Construction, Pingdingshan 467000, China;
2. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China
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Abstract  The bolt-grout and grout-rock interfaces of rock slopes anchored by full-length bonded bolts experience significant shear stresses during earthquakes which can lead to failures. This paper presents a numerical model of an anchored rock slope with a weak layer to predict these shear stresses using solid and interface elements in the FLAC3D software. The model is used to predict the distributions of the anchorage interface shearing action and the anchor axial forces and how they evolve over time for a horizontal simple harmonic wave. The results show that solid elements can be combined with interface elements for modeling. The model can accurately predict the shear and debonding failure of the anchorage interface. The shear stresses at the two anchorage interfaces and the anchor axial force are not the same and the shear stress at the weak layer is zero while the axial force is the largest force. As the ground motion continues, the shear stresses at the two anchorage interfaces and the anchor axial force all increase. Debonding then occurs at the anchorage interface and develops toward both ends of the bolt and the anchorage interface far from the neutral point and the peak shear stress location moves to both ends of the bolt. The results show the failure mechanism of an anchored bedding rock slope with a weak layer during an earthquake, which is of great significance for designing geotechnical anchorage systems.
Keywords rock slope      anchorage      solid element      interface element      bolt-grout interface      grout-rock interface     
Issue Date: 19 November 2019
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YAN Zhixin
LI Yapeng
ZHAI Juyun
JIN Feifei
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YAN Zhixin,LI Yapeng,LONG Zhe, et al. Interfacial shearing of anchored rock slopes with a weak layer under earthquake loading[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(11): 910-916.
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