Hybrid computational strategy for deep learning based on AVX2 |
JIANG Wenbin, WANG Hongbin, LIU Pai, CHEN Yuhao |
Services Computing Technology and System Laboratory, National Engineering Research Center for Big Data Technology and System, School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China |
Abstract Small GPU memories usually restrict the scale of deep learning network models that can be handled in the GPU processors. To address this problem, a hybrid strategy for deep learning was developed which also uses the potential of the CPU by means of the new Intel SIMD instruction set AVX2. The neural network layers which need much memory for the intermediate data are migrated to the CPU to reduce the GPU memory usage. AVX2 is then used to improve the CPU efficiency. The key points include coordinating the network partitioning scheme and the code vectorization based on AVX2. The hybrid strategy is implemented on Caffe. Tests on some typical datasets, such as CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, show that the hybrid computation strategy enables training of larger neural network models on the GPU with acceptable performance.
hybrid computation
deep learning
AVX2 instruction set
GPU memory
Issue Date: 26 April 2020
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