Abstract Domestic and international urban rail transit noise evaluation standards and regulations were investigated to develop a noise evaluation method with indexes and thresholds for urban rail transit underground station platforms in China. This comparison evaluates the similarities and differences in the evaluation methods, evaluation indexes and thresholds. The platform noise and vibrations at a typical underground station are measured during operating hours to identify the noise and vibration distributions at different locations on the platform. The results show that the noise levels are significantly greater at both ends of the platform than in the middle and that current noise evaluation methods do not accurately reflect the feelings of passengers at both ends of the platform. Thus, the noise levels at both ends should be considered when evaluating platform noise levels. The maximum A-weighted sound pressure at both ends of the platform is 88.4-90.4 dB(A) which annoys the passengers when superimposed on the platform vibrations. Thus, the maximum A-weighted sound pressure is recommended to serve as an auxiliary evaluation index. Field tests show that the equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure for 1 hour is 75.3-79.4 dB(A), which is higher than the environmental noise threshold along the railway line used in the current norms. This will impact passengers staying on the platform for a long time or staff working on the platform.
urban rail transit
underground station
noise annoyance level
evaluation method
Issue Date: 26 November 2020
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