Link prediction algorithm based on clustering coefficient and node centrality |
YU Yong1,3, WANG Yinggang1, LUO Zhengguo1, YANG Yan1, WANG Xinkai1, GAO Tao2, YU Qian1,3 |
1. School of Software, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China; 2. School of Education, Yunnan University of Business Management, Kunming 650033, China; 3. Key Laboratory in Software Engineering of Yunnan Province, Kunming 650091, China |
Abstract Currently, more people are becoming interested in the field of complex networks. Link prediction is a popular subdiscipline in complex networks and is used to predict missing links and identify false links. The traditional similarity-based complex network link prediction focuses on a particular similarity index of each node. This paper proposes the link prediction algorithm based on clustering coefficient and node centrality (CCNC), which combines the degree index, clustering coefficient index, and proximity centrality index into the link prediction of a complex network. This algorithm considers local information using clustering coefficient and degree by introducing proximity centrality to consider the importance of nodes in the network. Finally, using six real networks as examples, the feasibility and effectiveness of the CCNC algorithm are verified by comparing the AUC and the precision values.
complex network
link prediction
clustering coefficient
node centrality
Issue Date: 14 January 2022
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