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Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)    2022, Vol. 62 Issue (1) : 1-12     DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.26.024
Full-scale experimental study of a bifurcated tunnel fire in a hydropower engineering project
LIU Chang1, ZHONG Maohua1, LIN Peng2, GONG Yuanping3, TIAN Xiangliang4, YIN Bin3, LONG Zeng1, YANG Yuxuan1
1. Institute of Public Safety Research, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
3. China Three Gorges Construction Engineering Corporation, Ningnan 615421, China;
4. China Academy of Safety Science and Technology, Beijing 100012, China
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Abstract  Full-scale experiments in a bifurcated tunnel in a hydropower station with a fire source at the junction area were conducted to investigate fire-induced smoke spread characteristics in connected regions. The spread and descent of smoke in each tunnel were studied by analyzing the temperature profiles and smoke layer heights coupled with on-site observations. The results show that the slope and ventilation strongly affect the smoke risks in each tunnel with the smoke temperature steadily decreasing with distinct stratification upwind of the fire source. The smoke and fresh air mixture flow disrupted the smoke stratification and caused the smoke level to lower in the tunnel with the vertical temperature distribution becoming more uniform. Moreover, the aggravation of smoke deposition in the uphill direction in tunnel 2# increased the smoke temperature in the longitudinal direction below 3 m. The different fire risks in different tunnel sections should be carefully considered in smoke control designs. For the present fire heat release rate, the smoke layer height remained at 4.2 m in the upstream tunnel, while the downstream tunnels faced higher risks that the smoke layer descending below 1.5 m. The uphill slope in tunnel 2# increased the smoke descent with the smoke height decreasing to 0.8 m after 2 min, which should be considered in smoke control designs and fire emergency.
Keywords hydropower engineering      bifurcated tunnel      fire      full-scale experiment      smoke propagation     
Issue Date: 14 January 2022
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LIU Chang
ZHONG Maohua
LIN Peng
GONG Yuanping
TIAN Xiangliang
YANG Yuxuan
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LIU Chang,ZHONG Maohua,LIN Peng, et al. Full-scale experimental study of a bifurcated tunnel fire in a hydropower engineering project[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(1): 1-12.
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