Evaluation of the dynamic performance fluctuations of a mobile hybrid spray-painting robot |
WANG Yutian, ZHANG Ruijie, WU Jun, WANG Jinsong |
Beijing Key Lab of Precision/Ultra-precision Manufacturing Equipment and Control, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
Abstract A stiff yet flexible paint spraying robot with a 3-DOF parallel mechanism and a rotating joint was mounted on a mobile platform to facilitate automobile painting in a repair shop. The kinematic method was used to develop a dynamic model of the 3-DOF parallel mechanism using the virtual work principle. The inertia matrix including the gravitational term was then used to evaluate the dynamic fluctuations with a global index defined to quantify the performance fluctuations. The effectiveness of the evaluation index was verified by the differences in the robot driving forces for various geometric and inertia parameters. The dynamic performance fluctuation index reflects the spatial fluctuations of the robot in the workspace and can be used to optimize the robot design and control.
automobile painting
hybrid robot
dynamic model
dynamic performance fluctuations
Issue Date: 26 April 2022
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