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Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)    2022, Vol. 62 Issue (12) : 1953-1963     DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.014
Improved hillslope erosion module of the digital Yellow River integrated model considering the vegetation effects on the Loess Plateau
WANG Chenfeng, FU Xudong, ZHANG Ga, GONG Zheng, QIN Chao
State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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Abstract  Vegetation plays an important role in controlling hillslope erosion but how the vegetation controls the soil erosion is still not well understood. The interactions between the soil detachment capacity and the sediment transport capacity were modeled in a hillslope erosion model that integrates vegetation effects. Runoff plot data in typical watersheds on the Loess Plateau were used to validate the model with coefficients of determination values ranging from 0.84 to 0.94, Nash-Sutcliffe simulation efficiencies (NSE) ranging from 0.83 to 0.93 and relative errors ranging from -16.1% to 14.2% for various land uses. The original module in the digital Yellow River integrated model (DYRIM) had coefficients of determination ranging from 0.01 to 0.51 and NSE ranging from -74.45 to 0.48. Thus, the new model is more accurate for various land uses and vegetation types with the absolute values of the simulated sediment discharge rates reduced by 13%-96%. This model can be applied to the Loess Plateau and can be integrated into DYRIM and other distributed hydrological and sediment coupled models.
Keywords vegetation      land use      erosion model      soil detachment      sediment transport      Loess Plateau     
Issue Date: 10 November 2022
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WANG Chenfeng
FU Xudong
GONG Zheng
QIN Chao
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WANG Chenfeng,FU Xudong,ZHANG Ga, et al. Improved hillslope erosion module of the digital Yellow River integrated model considering the vegetation effects on the Loess Plateau[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(12): 1953-1963.
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