Vibro-stone column filling schemes based on Group AHP |
CHEN Daoxiang1, LIN Peng1, DING Peng1, LI Guo2, CHEN Tao2, YU Zhuojing2 |
1. Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100031, China |
Abstract The group analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used with boxplots and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient analyses. The relevant parameters of the hierarchy of decisions were calculated with Python. This multi-criteria decision-making model was then built. Previous investigations have not been reliable and the basic AHP is not always consistent. This Group AHP was then used to compare various vibro-stone column packing methods for treating the deep overburden dam foundation of a hydropower station in southwest China. The results show that the various project participants have different preferred technical routes. Designers and researchers are more inclined to choose innovative technical methods; while owners, constructors and supervisors are more inclined to use mature, reliable schemes. An intelligent feed device and a method were developed, which improve the quantity accuracy and the quality of the vibro-stone column filler for the deep overburden dam foundation.
analytic hierarchy process
group decision making
vibro-stone columns
filling schemes
Spearman correlation coefficient
response times
Issue Date: 10 November 2022
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