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Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)    2019, Vol. 59 Issue (5) : 354-363     DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.26.057
Numerical study of solutions to sedimentation problems of the Niulan River-Dian Lake Water Supplementation Project
ZHANG Ruoyin, WU Baosheng
State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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Abstract  The Deze Reservoir is the water source for the Niulan River-Dian Lake Water Supplementation Project. The very fine incoming sediment and the complicated flow and sediment transport processes in the reservoir have led to high sediment concentrations and turbid water in the intake during floods, which has an adverse impact on the water environment of Dian Lake, Kunming Waterfall Park and Panlong River. This study investigated the effects of two solutions for reducing the intake sediment concentration by three-dimensional modeling. One solution is the construction of check dams in the mainstream and its tributaries while the other is the construction of a new multi-level water intake. The simulations show that the new multi-level water intake designed based on the stratification characteristics of the sediment concentration will increase the length of time until the sediment concentration exceeds the desired limits. The modified intake design keeps the surface layer turbidities to lower than 17.1 NTU during the flood season for between 47.0% and 62.1% of the time surface layer turbidities larger than 100 NTU for less than 7.6% of the time. The check dams will accelerate the deposition upstream of the check dams and reduce the water turbidity at the existing water intake; however, the turbidity is still high with the surface turbidity below the limit for only 13.9%-18.5% of the flood season, which are not much better than the values without the check dams. Thus, the multi-level water intake is the better choice for solving the sediment problems of the Niulan River-Dian Lake Water Supplementation Project because it provides longer periods of low turbidity than the check dams.
Keywords Deze Reservoir      check dam      multi-level water intake      sediment concentration      numerical simulation     
Issue Date: 14 May 2019
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ZHANG Ruoyin
WU Baosheng
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ZHANG Ruoyin,WU Baosheng. Numerical study of solutions to sedimentation problems of the Niulan River-Dian Lake Water Supplementation Project[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(5): 354-363.
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