Structural optimization of the cable-pipe assembly for a lithography stage based on the finite element method |
CHENG Rong, WANG Xiyuan, ZHU Yu, YANG Kaiming |
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
Abstract The stage is the key subsystem in a lithography machine. The cable-pipe assembly transmits the motor coil signal, power and coolant in stage systems. However, disturbances generated by the cable-pipe assembly reduce the ultra-precision of the stage. Therefore, the disturbances need to be reduced to improve the stage positioning accuracy. The cable-pipe assembly and its disturbance characteristics are analyzed to develop a simplified finite element model of the cable-pipe system. Then, the main structural parameters of the assembly are optimized with design guidelines for future cable-pipe assembly designs. Tests show that the finite element model is accurate with a first order frequency error of less than 10%. Simulations show that the disturbance amplitude of the L-direction is reduced by 80% relative to that without optimization.
stage system
cable-pipe assembly
structural optimization
Issue Date: 15 August 2017
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