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Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)    2017, Vol. 57 Issue (8) : 810-814     DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2017.22.042
Design and fabrication of a 63Ni thin film source for a 63Ni-Si betavoltaic battery
LI Hao, ZHANG Gaofei, YOU Zheng
State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, Department of Precision Instrument, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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Abstract  Directly preparation of a 63Ni radioisotope source on the surface of a betavoltaic battery has problems such as low loadings, low activation, and functional deterioration of the PN junction. This research demonstrates the use of an indium tin oxide (ITO) membrane as a conductive layer to plate a 63Ni source on the surface of a transparent glass package. Simulations of the radiation self-absorption effect give the optimal thickness of the 63Ni-Si betavoltaic battery. Then, a 180 nm thick ITO conductive membrane is prepared on a 400 μm thick glass substrate via magnetron sputtering. 63Ni is then electroplated on the ITO membrane surface. The micro-morphology and the Ni-electroplated membrane thickness are characterized. The electrical capabilities of the 63Ni-Si betavoltaic battery fabricated based on this radiation source preparation method are then simulated. The results show that irradiation of a 2 μm thick, 7.25×108 Bq activity, 36 mm2 radiation source gives a radioisotope battery that can export 85.4 nW output power.
Keywords betavoltaic battery      63Ni      electroplate      radioisotope source     
ZTFLH:  O571.33  
Issue Date: 15 August 2017
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LI Hao
ZHANG Gaofei
YOU Zheng
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LI Hao,ZHANG Gaofei,YOU Zheng. Design and fabrication of a 63Ni thin film source for a 63Ni-Si betavoltaic battery[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2017, 57(8): 810-814.
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