Research Article |
Decarbonization, hydrogen production, and value-added utilization of conventional fossil fuels under the background of “double-carbon” |
YU Hesheng1, QI Haiying2, TAN Zhongchao2,3 |
1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China; 2. Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 3. Department of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo N2L 3G1, Canada |
Abstract [Significance] China's strategic goals of "carbon peaks" and "carbon neutrality" will have a significant impact on the country's economic and social development despite the challenges along the way. The energy and power industry is an important player in carbon dioxide emissions in China and the main battlefield for constructing new energy systems and initiating relevant industrial revolutions. Despite the increasing maturity of carbon capture, utilization, and storage(CCUS) technologies, their deployment faces strong resistance from the industry because of the high cost and energy consumption. For example, the cost of carbon capture alone ranges between 260 and 280 RMB/t, corresponding to an increase in utility cost of 57.51% to 93.38%, depending on the region. More importantly, the planet earth has a physical limit for carbon storage, and an alternative technical route is needed to achieve cost-effective zero-carbon emissions. Nonetheless, despite the importance of constructing new energy systems, China's energy resources determine that we will continue to rely on traditional fossil fuels for decades to come.[Progress] Therefore, this study analyzes the feasibility of state-of-the-art technologies, such as catalytic conversion, carbon material and hydrogen utilization, and hydrogen-fired power generation. This study proposes the use of coal, gasoline, natural gas, and biomass as chemicals rather than fuels. The "fuels" are first converted into hydrogen-carbon chemicals and then decomposed into elemental carbon and hydrogen by catalytic conversion. The resultant elemental carbon is upgraded into high-value carbon materials, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, and carbon fibers, which can be used for battery production. Meanwhile, hydrogen is used for energy production through combustion and fuel cells. The batteries produced using carbon materials can also support decentralized energy and energy storage from power plants. Regarding hydrogen-based energy production, developed countries, such as the USA, and Japan, have developed hydrogen-fired power generation aimed at commercialization in 2030 or earlier. We also conduct a feasibility study by pilot testing and techno-economic analysis. State-of-the-art experimental studies show that the key technical elements include (1) the production of carbon-hydrogen feedstock from coal, which is ready for deployment to the market; (2) the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen-carbon, e.g., CH4 and C3H6, into carbon nanotube and hydrogen, which is proven feasible at the pilot scale but requires further research and development in catalysis and fluidized bed reactor system for upscaled production; (3) the separation and purification of downstream products for high-purity carbon materials and hydrogen, where catalytic removal or recycling is essential to the pure carbon product, and membrane separation needs to be developed for pure hydrogen production; and (4) the most challenging, but essential, technology is the hydrogen-based gas turbine for power generation, with pilot plants built in the USA, Australia, and China for testing with 5% to 10% of hydrogen. Nonetheless, only catalytic conversion of CH4 can provide the amount of hydrogen needed in a power plant in real time. Thus, we conducted a techno-economic analysis by retrofitting a natural gas-fired power plant, where part of the natural gas is converted into hydrogen and the hydrogen is mixed with the incoming natural gas for power generation. The proposed pathway has been proven to be economically feasible, provided all of the technologies are ready.[Conclusions and Prospects] In conclusion, we propose a novel pathway to efficient and clean utilization of fossil fuels as resources to produce high-efficiency, low-carbon, and low-cost hydrogen and high-value-added carbon materials, as well as zero-emission power generation. Admittedly, it takes decades to reach the final goal, but this pathway is expected to tackle the economic challenges to achieving the "carbon peaks" and "carbon neutrality" goals (or "double carbon" goals) of the energy and power industry.
“double carbon”
energy and power
hydrogen production
new energy systems
Issue Date: 22 July 2023
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