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      , Volume 54 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Orginal Article
    Optimal precoding for energy harvesting cognitive radio
    Rui ZHU,Yunzhou LI,Jing WANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 407-412.  
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    Cognitive radio (CR) can effectively improve spectrum efficiencies while energy harvesting (EH) gives green communications. However, these methods have always been analyzed separately. The small amount of combined research has used the Gaussian input assumption. These drawbacks limit practical applications of combined systems. This study analyzed a combined system using the equip probability finite-alphabet input assumption which is more suitable for digital communication signals. A pre-coder algorithm was developed based on the stochastic dynamic program to improve the system utility. Numerical results show that the algorithm performance approaches the channel capacity upper bound for the combined system.

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    Spread spectrum coding in a cloud-transmission broadcasting network based on Walsh sequences
    Bo HAO,Jun WANG,Zhaocheng WANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 413-418.  
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    Single frequency networks (SFN) have gradually replaced multi-frequency networks (MFN) for broadband digital terrestrial broadcasting due to their higher spectral efficiency. However, the growth of mobile services and the complexity of city building environments limit single frequency content with severe attenuation within the overlap region. Recently the cloud-transmission broadcast networks have attracted much attention because of their simple networking specifications, flexible transmission systems and higher reuse frequency. The negative signal receive threshold of cloud transmission networks ensures system performance in the overlap region between two base stations for a strong echo channel. This study focuses on the challenge of the overlap region between multiple base stations for cloud transmission systems with a spread spectrum coding scheme based on Walsh sequences. Simulations of the system performance in the overlap region as well as multi-service superposition show that the cloud transmission broadcasting network scheme has improved anti-multipath fading and multi-service transmission. The scheme is easy to implement and compatible with other broadcasting protocols, which allows it to meet the requirement of high-definition transmissions and mobile support of the next generation digital broadcasting networks.

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    Two algorithms for monitoring the coherence performance of distributed coherent radar systems
    Peilin SUN,Jun TANG,Ning ZHANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 419-424.  
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    Monitoring the coherence of the fully coherent mode of distributed coherent radar (DCR) is an important problem. Two algorithms are given to monitor the coherence based on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain. The first algorithm was designed for architectures with one transmitter and multiple receivers, where a one way waveform can be obtained directly from any receiver to monitor the SNR gain. The second monitoring algorithm was designed for architectures with multiple transmitters and one or multiple receivers, where the baseband signals of all the transmitters are the same, so all received signals at any receiver are superposed together and a one way waveform cannot be obtained by matched filtering. An auxiliary antenna technique is given to monitor the SNR gain with numerical simulations showing that the two algorithms are in general effective.

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    Multiple failure detection based on reconstruction of the pseudorange error
    Xin ZHANG,Xiaowei CUI,Zhenming FENG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 425-431.  
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    The traditional RAIM algorithm uses the residuals of the positioning equation for failure detection and gives better detection when only one fault exists. The global navigation satellite system gives users many more ranging sources with better positioning thanks to the increased number of visible satellites. However, the probability of simultaneous failures also increase which requires improves to the traditional RAIM algorithm to address multiple failures. The RAIM design was analyzed to deduce a relationship between the residuals and the error vector. Examples then show that some information is lost when projecting from the error vector to the residuals, which limits failure detection. A modified RAIM algorithm with additional constraints that enable the error vector to be recovered from the residuals so that multiple failures can be detected monitoring the error vector. Simulations show the ability of this method for multiple failures.

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    Quantitative analysis of the influence of terrain undulations on SAR image registration
    Wenting MA,Jian YANG,Yi CUI,Wei GAO
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 432-436.  
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    Registration of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images plays an important role in correcting cumulative errors in inertial navigation systems (INS) to improve the locating accuracy of aircraft navigation systems. However, terrain variations which lead to geometry deformations in SAR images significantly degrade the registration performance. The causes of the geometric deformations in SAR imaging mechanism were analyzed to develop an algorithm to calculate the registration errors induced by terrain undulations using the digital elevation model (DEM) of real-time SAR images. This algorithm can rapidly predict the upper and lower bounds of the registration errors. Furthermore, the prediction can be calculated before registration for all algorithms for compensation to improve the registered results. Tests using 90 pairs of referenced and real-time SAR images demonstrate that the registration errors induced by terrain undulations are all located between the predicted upper and lower bounds.

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    TCAM-efficient flow table mapping scheme for OpenFlow multiple-table pipelines
    Zhongjin LIU,Yong LI,Li SU,Depeng JIN,Lieguang ZENG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 437-442.  
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    Flow-table based forwarding enables flexibility on the OpenFlow data plane. However, expanding the network functions results in explosive growth of the flow table size, so that it can not be stored in the limited TCAM in the switches, so the storage becomes a network bottleneck. This paper describes an OpenFlow multiple-table pipeline architecture that efficiently stores the flow table in the TCAM memories with an algorithm that maps a flow table to multiple tables for storage and look up. Simulations show that the algorithm reduces the TCAM usage for single table storage by 17%-95%, which is important for scalable designs of OpenFlow data planes.

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    Virtualization based software-defined radio access network architecture
    Mao YANG,Xu YANG,Yong LI,Depeng JIN,Li SU,Lieguang ZENG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 443-448.  
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    Mobile wireless networks have been rapidly developing with the rapid growth of demand for mobile data. However, the closed and ossified properties increasingly impede progress due to difficulties with convergence among heterogeneous wireless networks and the lack of customized network characteristics for services. A virtualization based software-defined radio access network architecture is given here to address these problems. This paper describes the framework architecture designs of the key systems for the SDN control strategy, virtualization strategies, and programmability strategies. The architecture provides flexible control, convergent evolution, open programmability and resilient customizability of radio access networks.

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    Adaptive peak-to-average power ratio reduction algorithm for DTMB-A systems
    Linfeng LIANG,Jun WANG,Jian SONG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 449-452.  
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    This paper describes an adaptive peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction algorithm using the active constellation extension (ACE) for DTMB-A systems with large FFT lengths. The implementation of ACE algorithm for APSK constellation is introduced with the feasible extension region for the APSK constellation. An optimal time-domain factor for the ACE algorithm is then given based on the peak-cancellation signal. Since the original active constellation extension is sensitive to the initial clipping threshold, a method is given to adaptively adjust the clipping threshold. Simulations show that the algorithm has better performance than the original algorithms and is more robust to the initial clipping threshold.

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    Improved ship detection method based on span polarimetric cross entropy
    Biao YOU,Jian YANG,Chunmao Yeh,Jianshe Song
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 453-457.  
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    The paper describes a parameter to replace the polarimetric cross entropy (PCE) for improved ship detection. The method calculates the similarity parameters between the target and three canonical scattering mechanisms. The different scattering mechanisms between the target and cluster are analyzed based on the similarity parameter. Then, the PCE is redefined based on the similarity parameter. The span polarimetric cross entropy (SPCE) is calculated to describe the span and polarimetric difference between the target and a cluster. Finally, a Parzen window is used to estimate the cluster distribution. The effectiveness of this parameter is demonstrated using the Radarsat-2 data for CFAR ship detection.

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    Adaptive interleaver design for rotated-modulation OFDM systems
    Shidong ZHOU,Shupeng YU,Limin XIAO,Xiaofeng ZHONG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 458-463.  
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    An adaptive interleaving method was designed for rotated-modulation (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, OFDM) systems to improve the anti-fading in OFDM systems in sparse multipath channels. The multiple carriers in OFDM are used to add component interleaving into the sub-carrier interleaving using statistical or real channel state information. The interleaver search criterion was designed to select the best component interleaving map. The receiver uses the criterion to search for the best component interleaving and then feeds the map index back to the sending end for adaptive interleaving. Simulations show that this method has excellent anti-fading performance and is bandwidth-efficient in sparse multipath fading channels.

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    Velocity estimation and compensation in FMCW-ISAR based on the iterative Radon-Wigner transform
    Wen CHANG,Zenghui LI,Jian YANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 464-468.  
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    In FMCW-ISAR system, fast-moving targets during the sweep repetition interval results in range profile aberrations and 2-D image blurring. Thus, velocity compensation is needed to acquire good ISAR image quality. This paper presents a method based on the iterative Radon-Wigner Transform to estimate the velocity and compensate for the signal model in FMCW-ISAR systems. Simulations show that the method gives accurate velocity estimates and much better 2-D FMCW-ISAR images by using velocity compensation for both the range and azimuth.

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    Opportunistic spectrum access policy based on channel quality information
    Xiaodong PENG,Limin XIAO,Xiaofeng ZHONG,Shidong ZHOU
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 469-473.  
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    Opportunistic spectrum access is a promising approach to realize spectrum sharing between heterogeneous wireless networks. Previous research has not thoroughly considered the effect of the channel quality information on the opportunistic spectrum access. This study considers both the channel occupation information of the primary user and the channel quality information of the secondary user to design an opportunistic spectrum access policy with a channel quality threshold based policy by solving a convex optimization problem. This policy maximizes the effective throughput of the secondary user, while meeting the transmission quality requirement of the primary user, and is proved to be optimal in single channel scenarios. Numerical results show that this opportunistic spectrum access policy significantly improves the effective throughput of the secondary user.

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    Internet path performance measurements using web servers
    Kun YU,Congxiao BAO,Xing LI
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 474-479.  
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    This paper presents a method, Pathperf, for Internet wide path performance measurements, using widely deployed web servers as vantage servers. The method works on one end of the path, locates a web server at the other end, and then downloads files from this web server to estimate the path. Module 1 collects web server information on the Internet and uses the BGP routing table along with IP geolocation information to map a unicast IP address to a nearby web server. Module 2 leverages the DNS to deliver web server information to the Pathperf clients. The method was implemented in CERNET with three months of data collection locating 3.5 million web servers in 22 656 different autonomous systems (ASes). Planetlab was used to evaluate the proximity between the end hosts and the mapped web servers in terms of latency. Tests show that in 92.5% of the cases, the latency between a host and a mapped web server was less than 16 ms. Then Pathperf was used to estimate the path bandwidth and latency, with the results compared with the Iperf and King methods. The results show that Pathperf has better availability and comparable accuracy.

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    4R-TPUT: An efficient top-k query algorithm for structured peer-to-peer systems
    Qiming FANG,Guangwen YANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 480-484.  
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    The Top-k query returns to users the k best match results and is an important data processing technique in peer-to-peer systems. This paper focuses on accurate top-k query processing in structured peer-to-peer systems in which the data is vertically partitioned among peers. The three communication round-trip algorithm TPUT is expanded into a 4R-TPUT threshold algorithm involving 4 round-trip communications. The algorithm has lower bound estimation, pruning and results lookup phases. TPUT introduces an additional round-trip communication in the first phase to get more information on the data to obtain a better top-k lower bound estimation and pruning threshold which can reduce data accesses and transmissions in the query processing. Tests show that 4R-TPUT greatly reduces data transmissions compared with TPUT and, thus, requires less query response time, so 4R-TPUT is a more efficient top-k query algorithm.

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    Architecture of a power-efficient router based on the sharing of packet processing capacities
    Yi KAI,Jianyuan LU,Bin LIU
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 485-489.  
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    Modern core routers in the Internet consume much power due to inefficiencies. This paper presents a power-efficient router architecture named GreenRouter, which is based on the sharing of packet processing capacities. GreenRouter separates every line-card into a network interface card and a packet processing card. All cards in the router are connected by a two-stage switch fabric. The traffic from all the network interface cards shares all the packet processing cards and the traffic can be aggregated into a few active packet processing cards on demand while others are shut down to save power. The key issues of the GreenRouter's architecture are described. Real trace evaluations show that GreenRouter can save up to 40% of the power consumed while guaranteeing the quality of service (QoS) constraints.

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    CFP-based method to extract execution instance representation graphs from business processes
    Liang SONG,Lijie WEN,Jianmin WANG,Guoping LIU,Tinglong LIU,Jianyong YANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 490-494.  
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    Studies of the semantic behavioral properties of business processes are limited by state explosion caused by interleaving of concurrent events. The complete finite prefix (CFP) method avoids the state explosion problem as much as possible and gives full reachability information for process models. However, CFP may lose temporal-order information between tasks. This paper describes a CFP based method that extracts all execution instances from business process models. Thus, this method overcomes the shortcomings of the CFP method. The method uses back traversing from the co-sets of leaf nodes to the initial nodes to extract the execution instances in process models that are then represented by an execution instance representation graph. Tests with a process model repository show that this method is very efficient and accurate.

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    Efficient transitory co-scheduling for MP virtual machines
    Lei ZHANG,Zhijiao ZHANG,Yu CHEN
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 495-501.  
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    Multiprocessor (MP) virtual machines (VMs) are widely used in cloud environments with the development of MP hardware and the demands for greater computing power. However, MP VMs suffer from the lock holder preemption (LHP) issue, which causes significant system performance degradation. This paper describes an efficient transitory co-scheduling algorithm based on the Linux CFS scheduler that effectively bypasses the guest spin lock loop to achieve better system performance. Tests show that this method significantly improves system performance (up to 3.41 fold performance advantage over the original Linux kernel 2.6.38 with SysBench.OLTP 4-VM case), while at the same time improving system latency with little to no effect on scheduling fairness.

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    User preference mining based on social tagging
    Wei HU,Yaoxue ZHANG,Yuezhi ZHOU
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 502-507.  
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    User preference mining is one of the key problems in personalized recommendations and intelligent services. Social tagging in web2.0 reflects the user's potential interests. This paper presents a user preference modeling method based on social tagging that predicts user preferences based on interactions between user and tag. The user's “degree of recognition” and “dependency” on an individual tag are combined to evaluate the user's tag preference. The user's interest is then decomposed into a fine-grained result using a “Tag Genome”. Tests based on real data demonstrate that this method significantly improves prediction accuracies and coverage to more accurately match the user's real interests.

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    Residual life prediction based on the state space for inertial measurement units
    Lei FENG,Hongli WANG,Zhijie ZHOU,Xiaosheng SI,Hongxing ZOU
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 508-514.  
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    Real-time and accurate residual life prediction for an inertial measurement unit (IMU) can provide effective decision support for timely and cost-effective maintenance scheduling. The performance index reflecting the degradation of the IMU cannot be observed directly and direct measurements are contaminated by noise. Thus, a state space model was developed to predict the residual life of an IMU. Since the changes in the degradation state of the IMU are nonlinear over time, this analysis was a nonlinear drift-driven Brownian motion (BM) is used to characterize the degradation process, with the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm and the Kalman filter used to jointly estimate and update the state and model parameters. Furthermore, the estimated state distribution is incorporated into the residual life model using an approximate analytical form of the distribution. The approach is validated by comparison with experimental data which indicates that this method gives better prediction accuracies and lower uncertainties.

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    Recurrence based nonlinear analysis for network application traffic
    Jing YUAN,Junsong WANG,Qiang LI,Xi CHEN
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 515-521.  
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    Accurate characterization of the traffic from different network applications plays an important role in traffic classifications to guarantee the quality of service of Internet traffic. The behavior of various network application traffic was analyzed based on the recurrence properties of the network traffic. A high-dimensional phase space is constructed for the traffic time series and then recurrences in the traffic state trajectory are analyzed to identify the intrinsic characteristics of the application traffic. Analyses show that the nonlinear dynamic features can accurately characterize application traffic behavior and that these features are independent of the network scale and Internet protocol version. Therefore, the nonlinear dynamics of application traffic can be used to improve network traffic classification.

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    Operation and maintenance systems for offshore wind farms
    Biqing HUANG,Yi ZHANG,Xiaochun YI
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 522-529.  
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    The rapid development of the offshore wind power industry requires excellent operation and maintenance systems for the offshore wind turbines. However, there is little offshore wind farm operating and management experience and the overall operating costs are high. These restrict healthy development of the wind power industry. Hence, this paper describes operating and maintenance systems for large equipment industries that can be used in the wind power industry. The special needs for the operation and maintenance of wind farms, especially offshore wind farms, are analyzed to identify upcoming problems and future development needs. The overall system framework is given with analyses of the business functions of the various subsystems and their relationships. Two key systems for the bill of materials (BOM) and maintenance workflows are discussed. Software systems are given for wind farm applications.

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    Counteracting crosswind control method for flying-wing UAV without sideslip sensors
    Qian WANG,Qing LI,Nong CHENG,Jingyan SONG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 530-535.  
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    Flying-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have poor stability or are unstable in the lateral direction due to their tailless configuration, which can cause sideslip and affect tracking accuracy in the presence of crosswinds. This paper presents an extended Kalman filter method for estimating the angle-of-sideslip using inertial sensor data and aerodynamic data for a small flying-wing UAV without sideslip sensors. The estimation result is employed as a feedback to control the split drag rudders for reducing sideslip. In addition, the paper presents a nonlinear UAV lateral tracking model for small sideslip. The model is transformed to a linear system relative to the crosswind disturbance using feedback linearization. A performance restricted H robust control design method is implemented based on the linear system by introducing a virtual control variable. Robust feedback control parameters are obtained from the optimization result. Simulations show the validity of the method in counteracting crosswind effects for accurate tracking.

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    Color face image denoising based on noisy pixel detection and neighborhood weight interpolation
    Xudong XIE,Zhaojun YUAN,Wei GUO,Yi ZHANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 536-539.  
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    This paper presents an approach for color face image denoising based on noisy pixel point detection derived from face image databases using the Chebyshev Inequality and neighborhood weight interpolation. The first step is principle component analysis (PCA) in the L*a*b* color space for the face reconstruction. Then, a pixel vector distance variance and a pixel vector angle variance are defined and a noisy pixel detection strategy is implemented. Finally, an eight-neighborhood weight interpolation model is used to get a PCA recovered image for the final denoised color face image. The algorithm performance is verified with Gaussian noise, pepper-and-salt noise and block noise added into the PIE standard color face database. The method is compared with several state-of-the-art image denoising methods. Tests based on the PIE database show that this approach is effective with different kinds of noise and achieves better performance with clearer edges, more useful information, better visual effects and higher PSNR.

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    High-voltage IGBTs series converter bus bar design and stray parameter analysis
    Hualong YU,Zhengming ZHAO,Liqiang YUAN,Ting LU,shiqi JI
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 540-545.  
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    High-voltage IGBTs series are one of the most effective means to improve converter voltage levels and capacities. However, the complex mechanical structure when the devices are used in series complicates bus bar design and stray parameter modeling. The results may not be accurate if the conventional PEEC method is used. This paper describes the bus bar design principles and ways to improve the PEEC method when extracting large complex structure bus bar stray parameters. The bus bar parameter model is based on the partitioning calculation result. The influence of stray parameters during the switch transient process is illustrated by simulations and tests on a 4.5kV/600A HVIGBTs series experimental platform with consideration of the diode forward recovery characteristics. The results illustrate the accuracy and practicality of the method and how bus bar design effectively reduces the stray parameters and creates favorable conditions for active control.

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    Threshold voltage distribution readout circuit design for flash memory
    Dong WU,Hui LIU,Nan XIE,Cencen GAO
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2014, 54 (4): 546-550.  
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    This paper describes a readout circuit for the flash memory threshold voltage distribution. This circuit includes a capacitor feedback trans-impedance amplifier (CTIA) and an 8 b cyclic analog-to-digital converter which converts the threshold voltages into digital outputs. The system also has horizontal and vertical decoders, a high voltage generator, a bias module and a timing control circuit. The chip was fabricated using 0.13 μm NOR flash memory process with 1 024×1 024 cells and a 2.1 mm×2.8 mm die size. Tests show that this readout circuit accurately depicts the threshold voltage distribution. The circuit can also be used to analysis the discreteness of memory cells and system processes and to improve program/erase algorithms.

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