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      , Volume 55 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Orginal Article
    Eccentric compressive behavior of high strength concrete filled double-tube short columns
    Jiaru QIAN,Yang ZHANG,Weijing ZHANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 1-7.  
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    Static tests were conducted on 16 high strength concrete filled double-tube (CFDT) short column specimens with eccentricity ratios 0.2-0.6. The tests studied the eccentric compressive behavior of the CFDT short columns. All the specimens had identical section dimensions of 180 mm×180 mm and heights of 600 mm. The test results indicate that all the specimens failed in bending of the column and local buckling of the steel plates of the external square tube. The residual compressive force is larger than 75% of the maximum compressive force. Increasing the steel ratio of the square steel tube or the eccentricity ratio of the compressive load increases the eccentric compressive capacity of the CFDT short columns. The eccentric compressive capacity of the specimens calculated by the superposition method agrees well with the test results.

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    Updating for bearing capacity of existing bridges considering structural deterioration and loading history
    Quanwang LI,Cao WANG,Long ZHANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 8-13.  
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    The load bearing capacity of existing bridges can be more realistically assessed using a method that assesses the capacity based on load history information using structural time-dependent reliability theory. The capacity degradation is described by a fully-correlated stochastic process and the loading history is described by a statistically independent stochastic process. An explicit formula is presented that takes into account the capacity deterioration and the uncertainties associated with the load history. Illustrative examples demonstrate the accuracy of this method. The method is then used to analyze the effects of loading history, with and without consideration of the resistance degradation, on the capacity assessment of existing bridges. Larger loading histories give a larger updated bridge bearing capacity. However, if the resistance degradation is ignored, the bearing capacity will be greatly overestimated, resulting in unsafe evaluation results.

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    Simulation and applicability of thermal response tests in energy piles
    Hongxian GUO,Xiangyu LI,Xiaohui CHENG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 14-20.  
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    Thermal response tests (TRT) are used to investigate the thermal properties of the ground for dimensioning borehole heat exchangers. This study analyzes the versatility and limitations of TRT in energy piles. Several analytical solutions are presented for the temperature response of the borehole system with a finite element model (FEM) used to study the effect of convection for different pile diameters, different types of pipes and different heating powers. The results show that the TRT tests can be used in energy piles but the minimum duration of the tests increases with increasing pile diameter, while the types of pipes and the heating power have no effects. The accuracy of the FEM model was verified by simulations of Beijing TRT tests on CFG (cement fly-ash gravel) piles with the results indicating that the high heating power is not appropriate. TRT tests may take hundreds of hours for large diameter piles (larger than 400 mm); thus, lab tests for the thermal parameters are suggested using undisturbed borehole samples.

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    Temperature monitoring during concrete setting through cooling pipe monitors
    Zheng ZUO,Yu HU,Qingbin LI,Bingfeng LI,Tao HUANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 21-26.  
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    Temperature is an important indicator to evaluate the concrete after it has been build. Traditionally, the concrete temperature is monitored by embedded sensors, but placing these is not convenient during pouring and the sensors can fail. A calculational method that does not need embedded sensors was developed where the concrete temperature field is determined from measured cooling flow temperatures. The mathematical model, instrument layout and monitoring procedure are described in this paper. Predicted temperatures for a domestic large arch dam project compare well with actual measurements to validate the applicability of the method.

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    Field tests on the evolution of a real thermal field in concrete
    Peng LIN,Hang HU,Dong ZHENG,Qingbin LI
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 27-32.  
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    The temperature field in a concrete mass was measured during cooling to improve designs for cracking control of high arch dams during construction. Field tests of concrete cooling in a super high arch dam during construction gave real-time data for the concrete temperature during cooling to describe the temperature distribution characteristics and the factors influencing the diffusion. The results show the evolution of the temperature field from a non-uniform distribution to a uniform distribution and the characteristics of the decrease in the concrete temperature which can be generalize into a thermal accumulation stage, thermal release stage and thermal transport stage. Finally, the cracking mechanism along the axial direction of an arch dam was studied basis on the mechanisms during the temperature changes. This study presents ways to control cracking in super high arch dams.

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    On the diel characteristics of soil respiration in winter wheat croplands in the North China Plain
    Quan ZHANG,Dawen YANG,Huimin LEI,Hongbo BO,Jianfeng CAI
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 33-38.  
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    Soil respiration in a typical wheat cropland was measured from April to June, 2011 to understand the diel variations of the total soil respiration, heterotrophic respiration, autotrophic respiration, and their corresponding controlling factors in wheat croplands in the North China Plain. The root exclusion method was used to measure total soil respiration, heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration. The results showed that the total soil respiration and the heterotrophic respiration both had single peaks at around 14:00, while the autotrophic respiration did not have apparent diel characteristics. The ratio of autotrophic respiration to the total soil respiration varied little throughout the day but varied some during different growth stages. The heterotrophic respiration was more closely related to the air temperature than to the soil temperature. In addition, the heterotrophic respiration was negatively correlated to the relative humidity. The autotrophic respiration was dependent on the gross primary production with a time lag. In summary, the diel variations of soil respiration in a field were mainly dependent on the air temperature, relative humidity and photosynthesis rate.

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    Spatial and temporal distribution of dissolved oxygen in the main stream of the National Nature Reserve for Rare and Endemic Fish in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River after reservoir impounding
    Chen SHEN,Pingyu LV,Yicheng WANG,Guangheng NI,Shunxin FENG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 39-45.  
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    Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the important indicators of water body health. The spatial and temporal DO distribution in the main stream of the National Nature Reserve for Rare and Endemic Fish in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River after impounding of the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu Reservoirs was analyzed using the water temperatures and DO mass concentrations at 7 monitoring sites from July, 2012 to November, 2013. During the monitoring period, the Xiangjiaba Reservoir was impounded 3 times while the Xiluodu Reservoir was impounded once. The results show that: 1) the DO is supersaturated after each impounding, 2) both the DO concentration and the saturation increase significantly after impounding, 3) the confluence of tributaries strongly impacts the DO levels in the main stream, and 4) the increased DO saturation in the river is related to the annual periodic variation of the water temperature and the water-air mixing phenomenon caused by the reservoir discharge mode.

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    Perspectives of officials in land acquisition for hydropower projects and their influence on migrant satisfaction
    Wenchao CHEN,Maoshan QIANG,Jianing WANG,Tengfei ZHENG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 46-49.  
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    This paper reports on a fieldwork survey involving two hydropower projects in Southwestern China. Specifically, the perspectives of officials handling the land acquisition and their influence on migrant satisfaction are examined. Data collected from 120 migrants and 74 officials in Guizhou Province showed 10 factors that significantly impact migrant satisfaction. There is a positive correlation between the perspectives of the officials and migrant satisfaction for most of the factors. However, public service, payment of funding, and culture and tradition are exceptions caused by unsuitable resettlement mechanisms. These exceptions indicate that resettlement policies and mechanisms should be better designed to meet the requirements of local conditions.

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    Health damage assessment model for construction dust
    Xiaodong LI,Shu SU,Tianjian HUANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 50-55.  
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    Construction dust is one of the most significant occupational health threats for field workers. Thus, the impact of dust on human health must be accurately evaluated to improve building health impact assessments and occupational health management. A health risk evaluation system and building health impact assessment system were used to develop a health damage assessment model to evaluate the effects of dust pollution from various construction activities at different stages and to monetize the evaluation results. A typical residential building in Beijing is used as a case sample with major activities at the main structure construction stage as evaluated objectives to illustrate the evaluation steps and demonstrate the model's application and operation. The health effect analysis among worker groups shows obvious differences in the dust pollution among various construction activities, with carpenters suffering the most health damage from dust during the main structure construction stage.

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    Price elasticity of land supply and related impact factors in China
    Hongyu LIU,Peiyan JIANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 56-62.  
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    This study investigates the influence of the price elasticity of the land supply in China (PELS), which represents the characteristics of the local government land supply behavior, using a theoretical model of the land and housing markets to analyze the situations when the land supply exceeds the demand and the demand exceeds the supply. This paper finds that the PELS greatly affects the land and housing market equilibrium, with a higher PELS bringing local governments more land leasing revenue. Monthly data for 35 major cities in China from January, 2006 to September, 2013 show that the fluctuation in housing price and trading volume and the financial dependence on the land leasing revenue of the local governments significantly affect the PELS. Local governments should make reasonable plans for the land supply according to development in these cities, and ensure an effective land supply for housing.

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    Inhibitory effect of house price bullish sentiment on adverse selection: Evidence from resale housing trading experiments
    Hong ZHANG,Xu SUN,Yang ZHANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 63-67.  
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    This article focuses on the inhibitory effect exerted by house price bullish sentiment on adverse selection in resale housing markets. Firstly, theoretical methods are developed for the bullish sentiment index (BSI) and the adverse selection level (ASL). Economics experiments were then designed to study the resale housing market characteristics in different bullish sentiment environments. The BSI and ASL were calculated from the experimental data to study the effect of bullish sentiment on the adverse selection. The research shows that severe information asymmetry is the main cause of adverse selection in the resale housing market. The bullish sentiment of traders in the market temporarily restrains the adverse selection to some extent. The degree of information asymmetry should be reduced to minimize the adverse selection problem in the resale housing market.

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    Simulation and evaluation of the home-purchase limit policy effect based on a search-matching model
    Hong ZHANG,Yang LI,Xuanbing CHEN
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 68-73.  
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    A search-matching model of the housing market was constructed with an ownership market and rental market consolidated into a unified research framework to evaluate the effect of the home-purchase limit policy. Numerical simulations were used to model the dynamic relationship between the household tenure choice and housing price volatility under the home-purchase limit policy. The results show that, in a housing market restricted by the purchase limit policy, the rent is more sensitive than the price to demand shock, with the rent immediately rising to increase the rental return. Thus, housing price growth can be restrained in the current period by freezing the housing demand, but the demand shock will still drive up the rent with further increases in the housing price through the rental return in subsequent periods. Accordingly, this mandatory administrative policy should be replaced by market-oriented economic measures, so that unrealistic market expectations and housing prices can be stabilized in the long run.

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    Embodied environmental impact assessments of urban residential buildings in China based on life cycle analyses
    Yi LIU,Xiaosai HE
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 74-79.  
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    Building material production, transportation, and building construction of urban residential buildings all impact the environment in China. The eBalance software was used to calculate the embodied environmental impact of urban residential buildings in China using the life cycle assessment (LCA) method and scenario analyses. The results show that the embodied environmental impact of urban residential buildings in China accounted for 15.5% of the national total energy use, 15.2% of the water use, 39.2% of the COD emissions, 4.1% of the NH3-N emissions, 15.9% of the SO2 emissions, and 17.5% of the NOx emissions in 2010. The impacts were mainly due to the manufacturing of the building materials, especially the steel and cement which accounted for 70% of all the buildings materials with steel itself being 55%. Therefore, it is vital for regulating the urban residential buildings based on the perspective of environmental protection.

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    Modeling regional atmospheric risks of petrochemical park planning
    Yi LIU,Long LIU,Wangfeng LI,Yebin DONG,Xiuqing ZHANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 80-86.  
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    An integrated method combining risk analysis, a CALPUFF dispersion model, and spatial analyses, were used to assess the regional atmospheric risk caused by major risk sources in petrochemical park plans. A typical petrochemical park in the planning stage was selected as the case study. The risks of six major sources, involving chlorine, phosgene, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and acrylonitrile, were simulated in different seasons. The results show that the atmospheric risk is increased in 98.7% of the region 1141.5 km2. In 28.2% of the area, i.e. 326.5 km2, human health may be adversely affected after some accidents. The meteorological conditions in the fall are not conducive to pollution dispersion. The highest risks come from the diphenyl methane diisocyanate producing(MDI) project that contributes more than 90% of the increment in the regional atmospheric risk.

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    Isolation and degradation characteristics of a HMW-PAHs degrading halophilic strain
    Hui WANG,Haiyan ZHOU,Yong HUANG,Tingting FANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 87-92.  
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    A halophilic cell strain was isolated that efficiently degrades high molecular weight-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (HMW-PAHs) contamination in saline environments. This strain, which can degrade phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene and benzanthracene, was isolated from oil-polluted soil with pyrene as the sole carbon and energy source in a mineral salt medium (MSM) of 5% salinity. The strain was identified as Thalassospira based on morphological observations and an 16SrRNA sequence and named Thalassospira sp. strain TSL5-2. After 25 days' cultivation in 5% salinity culture solution, strain TSL5-2 degraded phenanthrene by 100%, pyrene by 53.5%, fluoranthene by 60% (initial concentration: 20mg/L) and benzanthracene by 18.1% (initial concentration: 8mg/L), but could not degrade benzopyrene. TSL5-2 had a wide salinity tolerance range (0.5%-19.5%), with an optimal salinity of 5%. Adding yeast powder and peptone (5mg/L) to the MSM both improved the degradation of phenanthrene by TSL5-2, with degradation rates of 60.1% with yeast and 82.1% with peptone at day 5, both higher than the control group (46.1%). Yeast powder did not effectively improve the degradation of pyrene and benzopyrene. Peptone inhibited the degradation of pyrene, while accelerating benzopyrene degradation, with a pyrene degradation rate of 17.5% and a benzopyrene (5mg/L) degradation rate of 38.2% at 25 days.

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    Pilot study of the thermal hydrolysis of excess waste sludge at low temperatures
    Jing WU,Yan JIANG,Zhiping CAO,Guangqi WANG,Jiane ZUO,Kaijun WANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 93-97.  
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    With low organic matter content, sludge in China has low reaction rates and low biogas production rates. Thermal hydrolysis at about 60 ℃ will enhance the digestion. Thermal hydrolysis of excess sludge at low temperatures was conducted in thermal tanks with a heat pump as a heat source. The effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT), temperature (T), solid content and organic matter ratio (CVSS/CSS) of the sludge on thermal hydrolysis were analyzed. The results showed that the optimal operating conditions for thermal hydrolysis was HRT=1 d, T=54-60℃, and a solid content=3%. Adding alkalis enhanced the hydrolysis, with a solid content of 5%, NaOH was added to increase the pH to 10 to increase the VSS removal rate by 46.8% and the solution rate of organic substances by 100%. Orthogonal experiments indicated that the temperature, solid content and CVSS/CSS were all crucial to the VSS removal rate and the solution rate of the organic matter. The solid content had the largest effect followed by the temperature and CVSS/CSS. The biogas production rate of the sludge hydrolyzed with optimal conditions during 10 days anaerobic digestion at 35℃ was 44% higher than that of sludge without hydrolysis.

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    Source inversion in nuclear accidents based on 4D variational data assimilation
    Yun LIU,Sheng FANG,Hong LI,Jingyuan QU,Rentai YAO,Dan FAN
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 98-104.  
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    Source inversion is an important way to quantitatively analyze the radioactive release source in nuclear accidents such as the Fukushima nuclear accident. This study presents an inversion method for radioactive release source estimates in nuclear accidents that couples a four-dimensional variational (4DVAR) data assimilation technique with a mesoscale atmospheric dispersion model. The method is formulated as an optimization problem between the real observation data and the background field. Environmental radiation monitoring data around the nuclear power station is used to calculate the gradient for cost function by integrating the adjoint to calculate the optimal source estimate. The advantage of this method is that the radionuclide transport is included in every time step in the data assimilation and the result is the global optimum over the whole assimilation period. The method was verified using the data of a wind tunnel experiment. The results demonstrate that source estimate errors are approximately 20%.

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    Motion of polydispersed droplets predicted by a Lagrangian-Eulerian method
    Huang ZHANG,Hanliang BO
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 105-114.  
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    The movement of polydispersed droplets was simulated using a Lagrangian-Eulerian model to calculate the separation efficiency and the moisture distributions in separators. A number density function was used to describe the motion. The mechanism describing the interaction between the droplets and the flow was developed with a δ-function that related the droplet and flow field parameters in a physical model of the polydispersed droplet motion. The mathematical description and numerical methods for solving the physical model was introduced. The efficiencies of the separators computed from this model fit well with experimental data and commercial CFD software model. The moisture distributions inside the separators predicted by the model are reasonable relative to the velocity fields. Thus, the results from the polydispersed droplet motion model are reliable and can be used to design and optimize separator designs.

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    An exponential-type weighting function for CT reconstruction with a displaced detector array
    Yi DU,Xiangang WANG,Xincheng XIANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 115-121.  
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    For computed tomography (CT) with a displaced detector array, projections should be weighted by a weighting function to fit the filtered-backprojection (FBP) image reconstruction algorithm. Existing weighting functions have complicated piecewise forms and do not give good noise suppression. This study uses Sigmoid-like exponential weighting function, which is continuous, differentiable, and simple. Fourier transforms are used for the weighted FBP algorithm to obtain the residual terms of the frequency response for white noise. The residuals of this function are lower than those of wary function at high frequencies. The fan-beam and cone-beam geometries with displaced detector arrays were simulated with the images reconstructed using the FBP weighted by the Parker function, Wang function, and the present function. Subjective and objective evaluations show that for ideal noise-free conditions, the image qualities for the three functions are quite close; while with noisy conditions, the images given by the present function are smoother with sharper edges and higher contrast with improved F-norm, and mean squared error (MSE), contrast noise ratio (CNR) indices. Thus, this function is simpler and gives better noise suppression than the existing Parker and Wang functions.

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    Misaligned cone beam computed tomography reconstruction based on a camera model
    Mengjiao WANG,Hui DING,Guangzhi WANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 122-127.  
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    A correction was developed for a misaligned cone beam computed tomography (CT) system. The cone beam CT system was modeled as a pin-hole camera. A camera imaging model was used to describe the mapping information between the 3D voxels and the 2D projection. This information was integrated into the cone beam CT reconstruction to correct the misaligned cone beam CT image. A computing camera calibration technique was used to build the imaging model. This technique is reliable and accurate. Simulations and real system tests show that this method effectively corrects geometric misalignments during cone beam CT reconstruction.

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    Effect of suppression criterion on the tuning characteristics of stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission suppression tuning curves
    Yao WANG,Qin GONG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 128-133.  
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    The effect of the suppression criterion on the tuning characteristic of stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission suppression tuning curves (SFOAE STCs) was studied for various suppression criteria of 1, 2, 4 kHz center frequencies with 10 normal hearing subjects. Characteristic parameters, such as quality factor (Q10)、10 dB bandwidth (BW10) and the level of tip, were extracted to evaluate the effect of the suppression criterion on the characteristic parameters using the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The significance of the characteristic parameters of the SFOAE STCs for the different suppression criteria with the 10 subjects shows that the suppression criteria have no significant effect on the SFOAE STCs tuning characteristic. However, the SFOAE STCs are more sharply tuned with larger suppression criteria.

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    Preconditioning discontinuous Galerkin method for low Mach number flows
    Qinxue TAN,Jing REN,Hongde JIANG
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 134-140.  
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    The finite volume preconditioning method is applied to the discontinuous Galerkin method for three-dimensional viscid low Mach number flows. The traveling wave case is used to verify that the preconditioning discontinuous Galerkin method is suitable for viscid low Mach number flows and that the method retains the original discrete accuracy of the discontinuous Galerkin method. The results for four classical cases (lid driven incompressible flow, a Blasius boundary layer, a backward facing step with turbulent flow and natural convection in a square enclosure) validate the applicability of the preconditioning discontinuous Galerkin method and the reliability of the program. The flow around a NACA0012 airfoil for three different Mach numbers show that the convergence speed is independent of the Mach number.

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    Electromagnetic force calculations for ITER GDC electrodes using constraint equations
    Li HAO,Yudong PAN,Bo LI,Jiansheng YUAN
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2015, 55 (1): 141-144.  
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    Safety performance assessments are very important for the ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) GDC (glow discharge conditioning) conceptual design. This paper introduces a force analysis of the ITER GDC electrode using ANSYS APDL. The electrode model is imported into the original ITER finite element model. The partial and global models are coupled by the model processing and constraint equations are generated for the contact surfaces. The method is then used for three-dimensional transient electromagnetic field computations with plasma disruption. The predicted electromagnetic force on the electrode support for the ITER GDC structural analysis.

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