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      , Volume 59 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Design of super multi-view large stereoscopicpainting based on lenticular lens
    TAN Qirui, LU Haiming, LU Zengxiang
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 249-255.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.22.005
    Abstract   PDF (4995KB) ( 420 )
    Stereoscopic paintings are widely used in outdoor advertisements, giant posters, and stage backgrounds. Current stereoscopic paintings have some defects, such as a few viewpoints, poor stereoscopic perception, and serious crosstalk. This paper describes a super multi-view large stereoscopic painting design. The formulas are derived based on the vision principle of human eyes and the optical transmission characteristics of a cylindrical lens to calculate the thickness of the cylindrical lens, the radius of curvature, and the grating pitch. The viewing distance is 6 m and the viewing area width is 3 m with 59 viewpoints. The viewpoint distribution is simulated by the optical design software called LightTools. The viewpoint width is 50 mm, which is less than the distance between normal adult pupils. The circular lenticular lens array is designed to reduce the crosstalk between viewpoints with crosstalk of 11.7%-15.8%. The simulation results are verified by experiments which show that the super multi-view large stereoscopic painting design meets the requirements for auto-stereoscopic viewing.
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    Keyphrase extraction for legal questions based on a sequence to sequence model
    ZENG Daojian, TONG Guowei, DAI Yuan, LI Feng, HAN Bing, XIE Songxian
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 256-261.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.21.007
    Abstract   PDF (1582KB) ( 740 )
    Traditional keyphrase extraction algorithms cannot extract keyphrases that have not appeared in the text, so they cannot effectively extract keyphrases in short legal texts. This paper presents a sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model based on reinforcement learning to extract keyphrases from legal questions. First, the encoder pushes the semantic information of a given legal question text into a dense vector; then, the decoder automatically generates the keyphrases. Since the order of the generated keyphrases does not matter in the keyphrase extraction task, reinforcement learning is used to train the model. This method combines the advantages of reinforcement learning for decision-making and the advantages of the sequence-to-sequence model for long-term memory. Tests on real datasets show that the model provides accurate keyphrase extraction.
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    Label noise filtering based on the data distribution
    CHEN Qingqiang, WANG Wenjian, JIANG Gaoxia
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 262-269.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.26.059
    Abstract   PDF (9900KB) ( 306 )
    Label noise can severely influence supervised learning models. Existing methods are mainly based on model predictions and robust prediction modeling. However, these methods are sometimes not effective or efficient. This paper presents a label noise filtering method based on the data distribution. First, the area formed by each sample and the vicinage samples is divided into high density area or low density areas according to the distribution of the vicinage samples. Then, different noise filtering rules are used to deal with the different areas. Thus, this approach takes the data distribution into account so that the label noise filtering is focused on the key data and can avoid over-filtering. Filter rules are used instead of a noise filter forecasting model, which improves the efficiency. Tests on 15 UCI standard multi-class data sets show that this approach is effective and efficient.
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    Prediction of retweet behavior based on multiple trust relationships
    WANG Shaoqing, LI Cuiping, WANG Zheng, CHEN Hong
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 270-275.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.25.060
    Abstract   PDF (1422KB) ( 286 )
    In recent years, predictions of retweet behavior have attracted growing attention from both academic and industrial fields since the retweets can help with a number of tasks such as hot topic detection and personalized tweet recommendations. However, existing studies on predictions of retweet behavior have not taken full advantage of the effects of multiple social relationships between users. This paper presents a probabilistic model which incorporates multiple trust relationships between users into a traditional Bayesian Poisson factorization (BPF) model to predict retweet behavior. This model can capture the effects of a variety of social influences and integrates user trust strengths into the framework. Tests on the Sina Weibo dataset demonstrate that the model gives 90.91% improvement in the NDCG@3 score and 88.37% improvement in the precision@3 score over a traditional BPF.
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    System attack surface based MTD effectiveness assessment model
    XIONG Xinli, ZHAO Guangsheng, XU Weiguang, LI Bo
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 276-283.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.26.056
    Abstract   PDF (1097KB) ( 276 )
    Moving target defense (MTD) is a proactive method that protects against advanced persistent threats (APT) in cybersecurity. Although partial MT techniques have been employed in systems, there are no good effectiveness assessments, which hinders the use of multilayer MTD systems world-wide. This paper presents an MTD effectiveness evaluation method based on a system attack surface model with shifting parameters (SASSP) using an enlarged definition of the Attack Surface. The SASSP sequence is used in the MTD effectiveness assessment model to establish a relationship between the attacking states and the SASSP to evaluate the multi-layer MT techniques in larger topologies. A case study is given to illustrate the assessment effectiveness to guide the effectiveness and cost trade-off optimization of MTD systems.
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    Energy consumption of a two-axis solar tracker with redundantly actuated parallel mechanism
    YU Zhenyang, WU Jun, ZHANG Binbin
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 284-290.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.26.058
    Abstract   PDF (1612KB) ( 338 )
    The traditional two-axis solar tracker with serial mechanism has low stiffness and large energy consumption. To overcome these disadvantages, a two-axis solar tracker with redundantly actuated parallel mechanism is proposed and its energy consumption is investigated. Based on the kinematic model of the two-axis solar tracker, the dynamic model is derived by using the principle of virtual work. By taking Beijing as a sample city where the tracker is placed, the trajectory planning of the tracker is investigated. The driving force and energy consumption of the solar tracker and its corresponding nonredudnant counterpart in spring equinox are compared. The proposed solar tracker has high stiffness and low energy consumption.
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    Linkage modes switch for a six-axis linkage CNC machine tool
    ZHANG Pengxiang, ZHOU Kai, LI Xuekun
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 291-297.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.22.006
    Abstract   PDF (6238KB) ( 259 )
    The trajectory error of the tool center point in a six-axis computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool was minimized by switching the multiple linkage modes. A kinematic model of the six-axis linkage CNC machine tool was used to analyze the redundant linkages and redundant rotational linkages of the machine tool. The redundant linkage characteristics were then used to identify the linkage modes and linkage axes that provided the desired tool motion. A trajectory error model for the tool center point was used to switch the linkage modes and linkage axes to minimize the error. Tests on a CNC machine tool show that the model accurately predicts how to switch the linkage modes to minimize the tool center point trajectory error.
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    Unpredefined ball detection algorithm for humanoid soccer robots
    ZHANG Jiwen, SONG Libin, XU Junjie, SHI Xunlei, LIU Li
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 298-305.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.21.006
    Abstract   PDF (5042KB) ( 217 )
    Humanoid soccer robots need to adapt to the conditions in human soccer games such as detecting a soccer ball that does not have predefined characteristics such as a definite color and that may blend in with the playing field. For such conditions, the problem cannot be solved by classical detection strategies based on a single colorblock. In this study, the ball color is split into a specific color and a shared color. Two rounds of labelling are used to generate a color lookup table. Color-blocks obtained by pixel-level segmentation are used in a marco-pixel clustering method based on a connecting relationship graph to generate several ball candidates. The best ball object is estimated via the membership function by fuzzy logic. Tests show that the method is able to detect unpredefined balls even in a very disturbed environment and at large distances from the robot and is also able to avoid confusion with the border lines and other robots on the field without excessive computing requirements. The calculations can reach a high framerate of 15 frames per second. This strategy provides an efficient detection method using strictly limited computing resources for robot soccer players.
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    Design and constant pressure characteristics of a ship-borne pressure tank
    ZHAO Dingxuan, JIA Tuo, CUI Yuxin
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 306-313.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.21.005
    Abstract   PDF (8021KB) ( 232 )
    Ship load pressure tanks can become unstable in high seas as the waves lift and drop the ship. This study describes a ship pressure tank with automatic pressure control. A mathematical model of the tank is solved using a simulation model in AMESim and Matlab to predict the static and dynamic characteristics of the pressure tank. The pressure changes are then minimized using traditional PID and fuzzy PID methods. The results show that the traditional PID reduces the pressure variations by 77% while the fuzzy PID control reduces the pressure variations by 92% compared to those without control. Thus, the optimized fuzzy PID constant pressure control algorithm provides better control of the pressure stability in pressure tanks.
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    Causes and countermeasures of accidents related to underground construction in China
    WEI Xuefei, DUAN Yunling, QIAO Nan, FENG Jinming
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 314-325.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.21.004
    Abstract   PDF (1759KB) ( 382 )
    The Austrian tunneling method (NATM) is being used to construct underground structures in China. The methods main points are to 1) reduce the stresses, 2) provide appropriate flexible supports, 3) seal the stress sphere and 4) provide monitoring and measurements. Barton summarized the relationship between the rock mass quality index, Q, and the cavern excavation span and support type. Chinese construction specifications for underground excavations are similar; however, there have been 50 collapses of underground projects using the NATM method in China with this study indicating that many of the accidents were using strong supports in V-class wall rock even though such strong supports are not recommended NATM core supports. This indicates that designers do not fully understand NATM including a lack of knowledge of the optimal section and support types for the intact rock type, failure to use local reinforcement for fractured zones to form stable circumferential deformation of the wall rock, and failure to use reinforcements to block leaks as well as improper selection of support installations, inaccurate design predictions, and inappropriate equipment for the working face rock. The suggested countermeasures include avoiding excavating caverns in V-class wall rock, quickly grouting fractured zones to improve the rock mass strength in fractured zones, and sealing sections as quickly as possible.
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    Experimental study of tube-wall temperature measurements in CFB boilers by embedding thermocouples using deposited metal
    YAO Yuge, LÜ Junfu, ZHANG Yang, CHEN Shujie, ZHANG Man, YANG Hairui
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 326-330.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.21.001
    Abstract   PDF (1550KB) ( 215 )
    Heating surface tube-wall temperatures are key parameters for boiler safety. The high solids concentration in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers complicates installation of thermocouples in the furnace or the fluidized bed heat exchanger. This paper describes a method for embedding thermocouples using deposited metal to measure the tube-wall temperatures in CFB boilers. The method was evaluated experimentally with two deposition shapes with the heat transfer between the thermocouple and the tube-wall analyzed to calculate the actual tube-wall temperature without the deposited metal. The results show that the differences between the measured and actual temperatures of the tube-wall without the deposited metal for the two deposition shapes were about ±3℃ and ±7℃ for various working conditions. Thus, this method can be applied to measure tube-wall temperatures in CFB boilers.
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    Visualization system for coupler C-Coupler2
    DONG Liting, LIU LI
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2019, 59 (4): 331-336.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.22.048
    Abstract   PDF (3598KB) ( 216 )
    The earth system models (ESMs) are the basic tools used for climate change research and unseamable weather forecasting. The coupler connects the components in the ESMs and is the key to integrating and the modular development of the ESMs. This paper presents a visualization of the coupler operation based on the C-Coupler2 developed in China. The visualization facilitates coupling construction and the coupling connections among components. The system allows visual display and construction of the C-Coupler2 coupling configuration file and an interactive display of the C-Coupler2 coupling connections among components. This improves the user friendliness of C-Coupler2 and makes C-Coupler2 the first autonomous coupler with visual support.
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