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      , Volume 61 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Reactors light up Tsinghua dream, with R & D prospering on anniversaries—Preface of special issue for the 110th anniversary of Tsinghua University and 60th anniversary of INET
    Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 269-269.  
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    Development strategy of key materials technology for the high temperature gas-cooled reactor
    SHI Li, ZHAO Jiaqing, LIU Bing, LI Xiaowei, LUO Xiaowei, ZHANG Zhengming, ZHANG Ping, SUN Libin, WU Xinxin
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 270-278.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.031
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    The development of nuclear power systems in China requires that key materials for the reactor core and the main components be produced domestically. The key materials investigated in this study included the nuclear fuel, high temperature metals, nuclear graphite, pressure vessel materials, and high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) hydrogen production related materials. However, current domestic research and development and manufacturing capabilities require that some key HTGR materials still be purchased from abroad. Thus, China has sought to develop domestically produced key HTGR materials and technologies. This study analyzed the fundamental roles of various aspects of some key materials on the development of HTGR systems, including the content and scope, industry manufacturing chain, and characterization and application of key materials. The results indicate that research systems should be developed to support engineering development and industrial manufacturing of these key materials to support HTGR development. Future development schedules and suggestions are provided.
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    Recent advances in sorbent materials for uranium extraction from seawater
    LIU Zeyu, XIE Yi, WANG Yifan, HU Tongyang, YE Gang, CHEN Jing
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 279-301.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.016
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    Uranium is an essential resource for the nuclear industry. Uranium can be extracted from seawater but better extraction techniques are needed for sustainable development of nuclear energy and efficient exploitation of ocean resources. One critical challenge is the development of sorbent materials that efficiently bind uranyl ions in the seawater with good physicochemical properties in the ocean environment. Polymeric sorbents with amidoxime functionalities, a class of remarkable sorbents for uranium extraction from seawater, have attracted extensive interest because of their specific affinity toward uranium. Recent advances in electrochemistry, photochemistry, and biological chemistry have led to the development of high adsorption capacity and high selectivity sorbent materials. This review summarizes recent research on sorbents for uranium extraction from seawater, the design principles and material synthesis strategies. This review also describes the challenges of uranium extraction from seawater and the cost-efficiency tradeoffs for this process. Finally, this review concludes with the authors' perspectives regarding future research in this area.
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    Hydrogen energy development driven by the Energy Internet
    CAO Junwen, ZHENG Yun, ZHANG Wenqiang, YU Bo
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 302-311.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.007
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    The increasing resource consumption and environmental pollution in the current energy supply system dominated by fossil fuels is leading to a transformation of the energy structure of the world's energy supply. The Energy Internet is a new energy system based on information transmission, with renewable energy and nuclear energy as the primary energy supplies, with electrical energy as the core, and extensive energy storage. This ideal, future energy structure has the advantages of intellectualization, cleanliness, flexibility and others. Hydrogen is a secondary energy carrier with high caloric value, no pollution when burned, good long-term storage potential and easy long-distance transport. Thus, hydrogen will play a vital role in the Energy Internet as a energy storage, transmission and conversion medium. This article describes the importance of hydrogen in the future Energy Internet. In addition, this article relates recent progress in hydrogen production from nuclear energy in the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET), Tsinghua University, to the current status of the development of key technologies for hydrogen and its storage in the Energy Internet system along with future development prospects for hydrogen storage technologies.
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    Separation of trivalent actinides from lanthanides using dithiophosphinic acids in the advanced nuclear fuel cycle: From fundamental chemistry to process development
    YAN Qiang, XU Chao, CHEN Jing
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 312-321.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.21.024
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    The separation of trivalent actinides from lanthanides is a key challenge in the advanced nuclear fuel cycle and is also a global problem due to the extreme similarity of the charge density, ionic radius, and physicochemical properties of trivalent actinides and lanthanides. This paper reviewed the research and application progress in the separation of trivalent actinides from lanthanides using dithiophosphinic acids in the last two decades, mainly focusing on the work by Tsinghua University. Moreover, this paper gives prospective views on future trends in this area.
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    Research Article
    Characteristics and heating market applications of NHR200-II, a small, modular integrated full-power natural circulation reactor
    HAO Wentao, ZHANG Yajun, YANG Xingtuan, GUO Wenli
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 322-328.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.025
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    The world desires to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Many researchers believe that one key method is greater use of nuclear energy to reduce fossil fuel consumption. NHR200-Ⅱ, a small, modular pressurized water reactor that produces 1.6 MPa saturated steam, can be used for district heating, industrial steam, seawater desalination, and remote power generation. NHR200-Ⅱ has integrated system components, full-power natural circulation, self-pressurization, passive safety systems, and an intermediate isolation loop. The design essentially eliminates the possibility of large radioactivity releases, so off-site emergency measures are probably unnecessary so NHR200-Ⅱ can be constructed near large cities and end-users, which is essential for district heating systems. At the same time, the simplified system design, convenient operation, and minimal radioactive waste make NHR200-Ⅱ very economically competitive. Experience with a test reactor and more than three decades of research has shown that this technology is mature and ready for demonstration projects.
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    Engineering test of HTR-PM helical tube once through steam generator
    LI Xiaowei, WU Xinxin, ZHANG Zuoyi, ZHAO Jiaqing, LUO Xiaowei
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 329-337.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.029
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    Scale engineering tests are necessary when developing a steam generator. An engineering test facility for the steam generator (ETF-SG) was built for HTR-PM at the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET), Tsinghua University. ETF-SG can simulate the HTR-PM steam generator operating parameters for full scale tests of one helical tube assembly. The design thermal power is 10 MW. The design temperature and pressure of the primary helium loop are 800℃ and 8 MPa. The design temperature and pressure of the secondary loop are 600℃ and 18 MPa. Thus, ETF-SG can be used for full scale engineering tests of the test steam generator. More than twenty thermal hydraulic experiments have been finished. The tests experimentally investigated the temperature uniformity, transient thermal hydraulic response, temperature uniformity after tube plugging and adjustments, two phase flow instability and other conditions. The tests verified the thermal hydraulic and structural designs of the HTR-PM steam generator. These experiments provide important data for the commissioning and operation of the HTR-PM nuclear power plant.
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    In-vessel control rod hydraulic drive mechanism for integrated water reactors
    BO Hanliang, WANG Dazhong, ZHANG Zuoyi, JIANG Shengyao, ZHANG Yajun, QIN Benke, ZHAO Chenru, LIU Qianfeng, WANG Jinhai
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 338-349.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.013
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    In recent years, many researchers have focused on small nuclear reactors that provide good economics and safety characteristics for small users with the integrated water reactor as one of the main reactor types for small nuclear reactors. The control rod drive mechanism is a key component during reactor startup, power regulation and shutdown. This paper describes an in-vessel type control rod hydraulic drive mechanism for integrated water reactors, including the structure, the components, the main functions and the performance. Type A is designed for reactors with power levels less than 50 MW with type B for 50~300 MW reactors. This study provides a complete in-vessel type control rod drive line for integrated water reactors including the components, connecting structures, modes and functions that reduce the reactor height, prevent the control rod ejection accident and enhance the reactor safety to make the integrated water reactor more compact with natural circulation.
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    Helium turbo-compressor and circulator for a high temperature gas-cooled reactor
    WANG Jie, WANG Hong, ZHAO Gang, YANG Xiaoyong, YE Ping, QU Xinhe
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 350-360.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.028
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    Modular high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) have inherent safety characteristics with high reactor outlet temperatures which can be coupled with closed Brayton or Rankine cycles to provide efficient power generation. The helium turbo-compressors and circulators are essential power components that couple the HTGRs with these two cycles. This research investigated the steady-state and dynamic thermodynamic characteristics for a closed helium Brayton cycle for two helium turbo-compressor designs, the 2.2 MW prototype and a 120 MW commercial helium turbo-compressor. Helium circulators were also developed for the 10 MW HTGR (HTR-10) and the HTGR demonstration plant (HTR-PM) with complete performance data for the helium circulators. An experimental platform was then built to test the two types of helium circulators, one with magnetic bearings and one with dry gas seals. This research shows that the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, has developed helium turbo-compressors and circulators for advanced nuclear power plants.
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    Preparation of metal coated fuel particles using the fluidized bed-chemical vapor deposition method
    YANG Xu, CHENG Xinyu, LIU Rongzheng, LIU Bing, SHAO Youlin, LIU Malin
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 361-366.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.024
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    Fuel particles are coated with metals such as Nb, Zr, or W for advanced nuclear industry fuels. Coated particles with Nb and Zr coatings were fabricated using fluidized bed-chemical vapor deposition (FB-CVD) with investigations of the thermal transport characteristics of the precursors. The results showed that the metal coating improves the mechanical properties of the coated particles. The investigation studied the effects of the deposition temperature, precursor transport and oxidation on the metal deposition rate. The metal coating layer enhances the crushing strength, but has poor oxidation resistance, so it cannot be used in an oxidizing environment.
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    Defect detection in the graphite components and carbon bricks in high temperature gas-cooled reactors using helical CT
    LIU Renjie, SUN Yuewen, LIU Ximing, MIAO Jichen, ZHOU Liye, CONG Peng
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 367-376.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.027
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    The graphite components and carbon bricks are essential materials for the core and reflector of the high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). However, production and transport create defects. Defective graphite components or carbon bricks can lead to serious safety hazards in the HTGR. The current defect detection methods are mainly based on visual inspections, which cannot detect internal defects. This paper describes a method to detect defects inside the graphite components and carbon bricks using helical CT. Numerical simulations of large carbon bricks were used to study the influence of pitch, rotational speed and reconstruction algorithm on the quality of the reconstructed images. The results show that the pitch greatly influences the reconstructed image quality with 0.8 as the optimal pitch for the best image quality. The rotational speed has less influence on the image quality. The CGLS reconstruction algorithm with the optimal parameters can detect holes as small as 2 mm and cracks as small as 1 mm. These results are important when designing defect detection systems for graphite components and carbon bricks.
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    Comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of China's nuclear and other power generation technologies
    WANG Yanzhe, ZHOU Sheng, WANG Yu, QIN Xuying, CHEN Fubing, OU Xunmin
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2021, 61 (4): 377-384.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.006
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    Nuclear power is a clean, low carbon technology that will help China achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. However, the radiological impacts are also the focus of public concern. This study used the life cycle assessment (LCA) method to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions per unit electricity generated by nuclear power and other power generation technologies. This study also estimated the air pollutants and radiological impacts based on a literature review with a comprehensive assessment of these environmental impacts. The results show that nuclear power and renewable energy generation can reduce CO2 emissions per unit of electricity by more than 90% and greatly reduce air pollution. In addition, nuclear power has similar or lower radioactive impact on the public than coal power. Therefore, the government should strengthen public understanding and acceptance of nuclear power, formulate a long-term nuclear energy development strategy, and promote the clean, low-carbon transformation of the electric power system.
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