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      , Volume 62 Issue 10 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Synergistic physical effects of domino accidents in the chemical industry
    SHEN Kaixin, HE Zhichao, WENG Wenguo
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1559-1570.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.21.021
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    To enhance the quantitative risk assessment method for domino accidents,this study investigated the synergistic impact between the wind and the physical effects (thermal radiation,toxic gas leakage) of different types of accidents.The mechanism of the synergistic effect was analyzed using empirical models.The synergistic situation between fire and toxic gas leakage was simulated using an experiment device model in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software.The simulation results revealed that the synergistic effect could amplify the accident consequence severity.A hazardous chemical warehouse was taken as a case study for quantitative risk assessment.It was found that the synergistic effect would significantly amplify the individual risk,while the wind could either amplify or inhibit the risk,depending on the specific situation.The result indicates that the synergistic physical effects should be considered in the quantitative risk assessment of domino accidents.This research can serve as an important reference for improving the accuracy of the quantitative risk assessment for domino accidents.
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    Operating risk assessments of new energy power equipment based on scenario construction and deduction
    REN Jianqiang, WANG Luyang, WU Jiahao, NI Shunjiang, WENG Wenguo
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1571-1578.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.21.008
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    New energy power equipment operating environments are very complex and can change over time which can lead to system failures.This paper presents a risk assessment method for power equipment operations based on scenario constructions and deductions.The operating risks are assessed to develop risk assessment models for the power systems.Then,the influence of these unsafe power system operating conditions on the entire system are deduced using the cross impact analysis method and the interpretive structure model method to identify prevention and control measures.The results show that this method can effectively evaluate the risks caused by power equipment faults in power system operations to guide power system emergency management decisionmaking.
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    Three-layer and four-domainscenario analysis method and its application to urban complex disasters
    BA Rui, ZHANG Yudong, LIU Yi, ZHANG Hui
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1579-1590.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.029
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    Rapid urbanization has increased the risks and complexity of multi-hazard urban disasters due to various risk factors such as natural disasters,accidents,public security incidents and public health incidents.Prevention,control and emergency responses to multi-hazard urban disasters need fusion analyses using more comprehensive multi-dimensional and cross-disciplinary big data.This study develops a fusion analysis system for cyber-physical-social-cognitive (CPS-C) domains integrated with three layer "planning-tactics-operations" responses.The fusion analysis then works in conjunction with an emergency management framework with the"objective-scenario-mission-resource-response-assessment-decision"procedure.The management of an urban waterlogging emergency is used as a case study with the planning goal based on a typical case analysis and the operations analysis based on a disaster cause analysis.The tactics analysis analyzes the emergency process and key elements to either prevent or control the urban waterlogging for the scenario of emergency management of waterlogging disasters.This method is applied to a virtual interactive scenario simulation of a typhoon induced waterlogging disaster.This method provides theoretical and technical support for emergency management of urban complex disasters.
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    Assessment of urban flood impact on traffic flow based on scenario simulations
    SHAO Weiwei, LIU Jiahong, WANG Kaibo, SU Xin, SHAO Rui, MEI Chao, LI Zejin
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1591-1605.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.012
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    The indirect impact of urban floods on traffic networks was studied using one and two dimensional coupled hydrodynamic models for extreme rainfall scenarios.The Qianshan River Basin in Guangdong Province was used as the study area.Open street maps (OSM) and the Baidu Map application programming interface (API) were used to obtain the traffic road network and real-time vehicle speed data to analyze the impact of urban floods on traffic.The results show that for all levels of urban roads,the traffic speed exhibits the tidal phenomenon during weekday commutes with more serious traffic congestion during the evening rush hours.During extreme rainfall events,the absolute decreases in the speeds are larger on high-quality roads than on low-quality roads.The affected sections are longest on tertiary roads,express ways have the largest portion of the affected sections,and tertiary roads have the longest transit times per unit length.For the rainstorm design return period increasing from 20 a to 50 a,the number of affected roads increases the most.This study assesses traffic flows when dealing with heavy rainfalls and floods as a theoretical basis for urban flood management and damage assessments.
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    Dynamic assessment of economic losses from flood disasters based on scenario simulations
    SU Xin, SHAO Weiwei, LIU Jiahong, JIANG Yunzhong, SHAO Rui, WANG Kaibo
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1606-1617.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.040
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    Flood loss assessments are an important part of flood management for disaster prevention and mitigation.Most previous research on flood losses has been based on static assessments without high-resolution GDP spatial distribution data with only single industry-related loss assessment objectives.This study simulated urban flooding for a design storm scenario to obtain high-resolution spatial distribution GDP based on land use data,point of interest (POI) data and a random forest regression model.The Arcpy library in Python was used to superimpose the urban flood areas on spatial topology social economic data to predict the direct economic losses due to the flood.An input-output model was used to quantify the indirect economic losses caused by inter-industry linkages.The Qianshan River Basin between Zhongshan and Zhuhai cities in Guangdong Province,China was used as an example to predict the direct economic losses caused by a 50 year design rainstorm and the corresponding industry-related economic losses.The results show differences in the flood economic losses for different industries.The time with greatest flood volume and inundation depth do not necessarily correspond to the time with greatest economic losses.The indirect economic losses account for about 47% of the flood losses and the indirect economic losses of some industries even exceed the direct economic losses,which should receive more attention.This study improves flood loss assessment methods and provides technical support for disaster prevention and mitigation decision-making and industrial structural changes after flooding.
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    Temperature measurement errors in full-scale tunnel fire experiments
    CHEN Junfeng, CHENG Huihang, WEI Xuan, WEN Qinwei, WU Le, LIU Chang, ZHONG Maohua
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1618-1625.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.21.003
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    Full-scale fire experiments in real highway tunnels were conducted to evaluate the temperature measurement errors in such experiments.The longitudinal temperature distributions in the tunnel were measured in repeated trials with the same conditions.Statistical analyses were then use to quantify the temperature measurement errors in different areas and at different times.The maximum error was more than ±20℃ with the maximum relative error reaching 40%.Fluctuations in the flow rate and fire power were two important factors affecting the uncertainties with then increased the standard deviation of the temperature in the smoke front arrival stage and the fire power attenuation stage.There were significant differences in the standard deviations of the temperature upstream and downstream of the fire source.The upwind smoke diffusion is more easily disturbed by flow rate fluctuations with a maximum relative temperature error of more than 20%.The results support accuracy evaluations and error analyses of full-scale experimental tunnel fire data.
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    Assessment of natural disaster emergency relief demand based on Microblog data
    ZHOU Yiqi, TIAN Xiangliang, ZHONG Maohua
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1626-1635.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.046
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    Real-time social media data can be used to improve data timeliness and accuracy during disaster emergency responses.The key disaster area needs are prioritized here using a disaster relief index system for emergency rescue and command support needs,post-disaster emergency rescue needs,basic living support needs and public infrastructure support needs.The emergency relief evaluation model uses entropy weights and the grey improvement technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS).The method is applied to the typhoon Lekima response as an example to assess the specific emergency rescue needs in the cities of affected provinces to verify the effectiveness of this disaster evaluation model by comparison with disaster loss data.
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    Analytical model and verification of capacitance rod position measurement sensor
    LI Yanlin, QIN Benke, BO Hanliang
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1636-1644.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.25.004
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    A model of a two-electrode capacitance rod position measurement sensor (CRPMS) was developed based on the finite element method with static characteristic tests to validate the model.The tests show that the finite element results agree well with the measurements.The conformal mapping method and a series-parallel integral method for capacitors were then used to develop analytical models of the sensor with and without the measuring rod.The maximum error between the analytical models with correction factors and the finite-difference model is less than 8% within the applicable range of the analytical models.This research provides a basis for the design and optimization of two-electrode capacitance rod position measurement sensors.
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    Numerical simulations of particle coating using the fluidized bed-chemical vapor deposition method
    CHEN Meng, CHEN Zhao, LIU Rongzheng, LIU Bing, SHAO Youlin, TANG Yaping, LIU Malin
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1645-1659.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.26
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    The preparation of coated fuel particles using fluidized bed-chemical vapor deposition (FB-CVD) is one of the key processes in the production of fuel elements for high-temperature gas-cooled reactors.The characteristics of the particle coating process were predicted using a multi-physics,multi-scale,coupled CFD-DEM-CVD model to predict the velocity,temperature,and concentration fields for the CVD method in fluidized beds.Then,the coating method was modeled using a chemical reaction flow model to simulate the decomposition and deposition of the chemical substances with the population balance model used to solve for the size distribution of the deposited components and the inner bonding particle model used to predict the changes in the coating particle density.This coating model was used to simulate various cases with the simulation results in good agreement with experimental data.This coating model can be used to study the particle coating process and optimize coating processes for industrial production.
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    Heat transfer-resistance coupling characteristics of recuperator in closed Brayton cycles for space reactors
    MA Wenkui, YANG Xiaoyong, WANG Jie
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1660-1667.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.042
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    Brayton cycle based space reactors have high energy densities,long lifetimes and stable operations,so they are recommended for future high-powered spacecraft.The recuperator is the key component for improving the closed Brayton cycle efficiency by recovering waste heat from the turbine exhaust to reduce the required reactor power.Reynolds analogy was used to develop a thermodynamic model for the recuperator heat and pressure losses in a space-based Brayton cycle to investigate the influence of the recuperator effectiveness on the cycle electrical efficiency and to optimize the cycle design.The results indicate that the heat transfer and pressure losses are related,with the pressure losses increasing as the recuperator effectiveness increases.When the effectiveness is low,the cycle electrical efficiency increases as the recuperator effectiveness increases.When the recuperator effectiveness increases to close to 1,increased pressure losses reduces the expansion ratio of the turbine,so the cycle electrical efficiency reaches a maximum and then decreases.Therefore,each cycle has a best recuperator effectiveness of 0.954 8 that gives the maximum cycle electrical efficiency of 30.23%.This study also analyzed the influence of the temperature ratio,the pressure ratio and the helium-xenon composition on the optimal recuperator effectiveness.This study gives the optimal operation conditions for the best cycle electrical efficiency of 32.92% and the optimal specific work of 65.78 kJ·kg-1 for the given space-based closed Brayton cycle.
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    Safety performance of HTR-PM600 fresh fuel storage canister under drop impact
    HAO Yuchen, WANG Jinhua, WANG Haitao, LIU Bing, LI Yue
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1668-1674.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.21.018
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    Fresh fuel storage container is key equipment in the fuel storage system in nuclear power plants.During hoisting,it may fall directly to the ground,thus damaging the canister and leaking the fuel element due to mechanical failure.Therefore,the safety performance of a fresh fuel storage container must be verified under the drop impact.In this paper,the HTR-PM600 fresh fuel storage canister is selected as the objective,and the FEM-DEM coupling method is used to simulate the movement law of the pebble bed.Subsequently,the maximum damage to the fuel storage canister under an accidental drop impact is calculated.The result shows that the containment boundary of the new fuel storage canister will not be destroyed under the 15-m drop condition,and the floor will not be penetrated;thus,the structural design meets the safety requirements.Under impact loading,the side plate of the thin-wall canister has a 35.26-mm expansion in the radial direction due to the interface force from the pebble bed.The maximum interaction force between the fuel element and the containment boundary is 6.295 kN,far less than the crush strength of the HTR-PM fuel element.
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    In-situ multi-scale damage detection of AGR full core graphite components
    ZENG Tianchen, SUN Yuewen, ZHAO Zhongwei, CONG Peng
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1675-1680.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.030
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    The advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR) was developed in the UK and is now approaching the end of its design life.Extensions of the design life mainly depend on the structural integrity of the graphite components used for core support and moderation.This study used the simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) to simulate the linear computed tomography (CT) imaging detection scheme.The model was used to explore the influence of the background radiation in the reactor on the linear CT imaging detection and to simulated the detection and reconstruction of internal cracks and quality loss defects in the graphite components based on the known internal environment and geometric parameters of the graphite components.The predictions show that the scheme can provide important reference data for extending the life of the AGR.
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    Review of graphene enhanced boiling heat transfer
    HUANG Xiaoli, CHEN Zeliang, GUI Nan, GONG Houjun, YANG Xingtuan, TU Jiyuan, JIANG Shengyao
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1681-1690.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.22.016
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    Graphene is a new material discovered at the beginning of the 21st century that is now a key research topic due to its excellent properties in many fields.This article reviews the domestic and foreign literature on boiling with graphene solutions and graphene coatings to show the current research progress on graphene materials for heat transfer enhancement.The current research can be classified into two categories.One is on the effects of graphene as nano particles for enhancing the heat transfer of base fluids.The other is on the effect of a graphene layer on the heat transfer from substrates.In most cases,the heat transfer is enhanced by the graphene with these results providing a reference for research on graphene-enhanced heat transfer.
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    Vehicle radiation image restoration based on a generative adversarial network
    LENG Zhiying, SUN Yuewen, TONG Jianmin, WANG Zhentao
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1691-1696.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.26.038
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    In vehicle radiation imaging,the size of the gamma ray source,the response time of detector and signal amplification circuits,statistical fluctuations and other factors degrade the image with blurring and noise.A model was developed to predict the image degradation in a radiation imaging system to support a radiation image restoration method based on DeblurGAN.A set of radiation images with simulated blurring was used to train the DeblurGAN model that was then used to restore the images.The results show that this method effectively eliminates blurring and noise in radiation images to improve imaging quality.
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    Performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with bionics flow field structures
    WANG Zeying, CHEN Tao, ZHANG Jiwei, CHEN Jinqi, FENG Zhengheng
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1697-1705.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.009
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    The flow field has a very important effect on the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) fuel distribution and water management.This study used the structure of ginkgo veins to design a bionic flow field on a bipolar plate.The peak power densities and internal conditions were analyzed using the commercial computional fluid dynamics (CFD) software Fluent.The peak power density,internal mass transfer characteristics and current density distributions of PEMFCs with this bionic flow field,a paralled flow field and a five-snake flow field were compared to show that the bionic flow field increased the peak power density by 28.85% over that of the parallel flow field,which was,however,still 4.36% lower than that of the five-snake flow field.The reactant distribution and the current density in the bionic flow field are better than in the parallel flow field because of the larger pressure.
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    Sub-/super-synchronous oscillation,small signal synchronizing stability,and impedance model analysis of converter-based renewable power generators
    LIU Wei, XIE Xiaorong, JIANG Qirong, MAO Hangyin
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1706-1714.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.21.004
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    Connecting converter-based renewable power generators (RPGs) to the power grid can cause serious sub-/super-synchronous oscillations (SSO).Changes in the operating conditions,grid strengths,and converter control can cause the SSO frequency to gradually approach the fundamental frequency while then leads to low-frequency small-signal synchronizing stability (SSS) oscillations.This paper compares the characteristics of SSO and SSS oscillations using the impedance model (IM)-based method that has been used to analyze SSO and is believed to be useful for analyzing the low-frequency oscillations caused by synchronous instabilities.Then,a mathematical model is used to show the equivalence between the phase-locked loop (PLL) dynamic equation-based method and the IM based method for the same grid-tied voltage source converter (VSC) system as a theoretical foundation for SSS analyses using the IM-based method.Finally,time-domain simulations verify the accuracy of the IM-based method for analyzing SSS oscillations of converter-based RPGs.
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    Conductor design in bipolar superconducting DC energy pipelines
    HUANG Weican, JIANG Xiaohua, XUE Peng, LI Xinyang, SHEN Zhidong, SUN Yuguang
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1715-1720.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.26.034
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    Superconducting DC energy pipelines combine high temperature superconducting (HTS) DC transmission lines with long-distance liquefied natural gas (LNG) transmission lines where the flowing LNG acts as the refrigerant for the superconducting cable in the pipeline.This greatly increases the overall system energy transmission density and efficiency.The conductors then need to be carefully designed to ensure the safety and reliability of the high-capacity superconducting transmission system for the special operating conditions of superconducting DC energy pipelines.This study analyzed the critical current density degradations of the high temperature superconducting tapes influenced by the magnetic fields at the pipeline operating temperature and the effects of the copper former during short-circuit faults in the superconducting cable.The analysis was then used to optimize the conductor design of a ±10 kV/1 kA bipolar coaxial superconducting DC energy pipeline.The results indicate that at least 12 HTS tapes are required for a single pole and the minimum cross-sectional area of the copper former is 1.48×10-4 m2.The thermal stability of the superconducting DC energy pipeline during a short-circuit fault was then verified by finite element simulations.The conductor design method presented in this paper is also applicable to the design of superconducting DC energy pipelines with various voltage and current levels and pipeline structures.
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    Calculation of the critical inertia of a power system considering frequency security constraints
    YI Pei, JING Zhibin, XU Fei, CHEN Lei, QI Jun, JIANG Xiwei, GAO Xuze
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1721-1729.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.21.013
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    With the large-scale access of new energy to the power grid,the inertia of the power system gradually decreases,and the system frequency security is seriously threatened.In this study, "critical inertia" is used to quantify the minimum inertia required to maintain system stability after a critical failure.First,an analytical frequency safety calculation method is proposed.By constructing the frequency difference curve,the calculation formula of the frequency safety constraint is obtained based on the average system open-loop model.Then,based on the frequency safety constraint,the rate of change of frequency constraint (RoCoF),and the unit regulation power constraint,the calculation of the system-critical inertia is transformed into the solution of the optimization problem.Finally,the simulation system is used to verify the effectiveness and accuracy of the critical inertia calculation method in this study.The simulation results show that the larger the adjustable power range of the unit is,the smaller the critical inertia becomes.By increasing the standby capacity of the unit,the critical inertia of the system can be reduced.
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    Simple and high performance classification model for autism based on machine learning and pupillary response
    LIU Qiangmo, HE Xu, ZHOU Baishun, WU Haolin, ZHANG Chi, QIN Yu, SHEN Xiaomei, GAO Xiaorong
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2022, 62 (10): 1730-1738.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.26.030
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    Early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is very important for improving autism treatment.Recent studies have investigated early diagnosis of children with ASD using machine learning and eye tracking.This paper presents an eye tracking and pupillary response feature extraction method with a naive Bayes classification model for autism that was tested on the Autism Detection Dataset,a dataset of 25 children with ASD and 50 children with typical development aged 3-6 to identify abnormal pupillary responses in children with autism.The method has an average classification accuracy of 90.67% and an average AUC of 92.24% while using only the pupillary features for modeling,which is better than the 82.2% average accuracy achieved by a pupillary and gaze behavior feature model and 78% average accuracy achieved by a gaze behavior and kinematic feature model.This method is simple and accurate.The results show the effectiveness of this method and the feasibility of real clinical applications of this type for early autism diagnosis based on machine learning and eye tracking.
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