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      , Volume 63 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Positioning of China's real estate industry based on the input-output method
    ZHANG Hong, BI Zhijun, YU Anmiao
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 153-159.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.052
    Abstract   PDF (947KB) ( 420 )
    [Objective] In 2003, the State Council of China identified the real estate industry as a pillar of the national economy. However, with economic development and the distribution of the nation's industrial structure, the status of real estate as a pillar industry has repeatedly been questioned. Researchers have conducted extensive studies on the positioning of the real estate industry in China but are yet to reach a consensus. Different understandings of the industrial categories and the selection of varying discrimination indicators are the primary reasons for these conflicting results. Referencing previous research, this study combines classical industrial economics theory with the input-output method to identify and compare the industrial positioning of the real estate industry for a reasonable judgment on the status and role of the real estate industry in the national economy. Considering the current economic transformation, it is imperative to determine the positioning of the real estate industry for formulating effective macro-control policies and for developing the real estate industry. [Methods] This study employs the input-output method. Recently, although the literature regarding the application of the input-output method to the real estate industry in China is gradually increasing, minimal systematic studies focus on the question of industrial positioning. This study first determines the features and characteristics of various categories under industrial positioning. Subsequently, it combines the findings with the input-output method and establishes the discriminant matrix from three perspectives: industrial correlation, industrial spillover effect, and economic contribution; the required coefficients are determined using merged input-output flow tables from 2007 to 2018. Finally, according to the discrimination matrix and each input-output coefficient, the industrial positioning of the real estate industry is determined and compared with the construction, financial, and leasing and business service industries. [Results] The results demonstrate that from 2007 to 2018, 1) the real estate industry has had a widespread but not a strong industrial relationship; however, its driving ability toward other industries has continuously improved over time, but the overall level is low; 2) contribution of the real estate industry to the economy and employment is at the middle or lower level of all industries; and 3) the real estate industry is closely related to construction, financial, and leasing and business service industries, and the functional positioning of the real estate industry has a higher similarity with the financial industry. [Conclusions] Thus, considering the results, this study asserts that the real estate industry in China is a basic industry in the national economy and does not rise to the level of a pillar industry, a prime mover industry, or a leading industry. This study suggests that when formulating regulatory policies for the real estate industry, the nature of the industry as a basic industry and its extensive industrial link should be fully considered to prevent excessive overlap between the functions of real estate and financial industries, which will promote the long-term and healthy development of the real estate industry.
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    Types and characteristics of unsafe behaviors in construction teamwork
    GU Botao, CAO Sihan, WANG Yao, HUANG Yuecheng, FANG Dongping
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 160-168.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.055
    Abstract   PDF (3064KB) ( 332 )
    [Objective] The construction industry is suffering from a long-term and grave situation regarding construction safety. Unsafe behavior is a major cause of accidents. In practice, construction tasks are usually accomplished by people organized as a team. Each team has two primary goals: advance the construction process and ensure team safety. However, the current studies of the collaborative work of teams in the construction industry primarily consider scheduled tasks and fail to adequately consider the various types of members (workers, contractors, safety officers, subcontract safety officers, technicians, quality inspectors, supervisors, and government or A-party representatives) that are involved in working for safety. Moreover, members can be supported by the team. Interactions such as communication and collaboration among team members have an important impact on their behaviors; moreover, the types and characteristics of interacting and noninteracting unsafe behaviors that occur in collaborative work accidents deserve further exploration. [Methods] This study implements thematic analysis based on the classic accident causation model and 129 high-quality accident investigation reports from China and the United States. [Results] The results of the thematic analysis give a behavior list with 3 primary behavior types, 7 secondary behavior types, and 32 tertiary behavior types. Compared with traditional individual unsafe behaviors, construction collaborative unsafe behaviors increase by 23 team behavior types, including 11 unsafe sharing behavior types and 12 unsafe supervisory behavior types. The statistical results of the coded dataset show that (1) among the collaborative unsafe behaviors, unsafe actions, unsafe behaviors, and unsafe supervision appear 155, 86, and 152 times, respectively, and the sharing and supervisory unsafe behaviors also deserve more attention. (2) Among the unsafe sharing behaviors, lack of verbal communication is the most frequent, and therefore, training communication within the team must be focused on during management practice. (3) Among the unsafe supervisory behaviors, wrongly pointing out behavior is the most frequent, and therefore, training grassroots managers and grassroots supervisors to appropriately point out the safety hazards in collaborative work must be focused on during management practice. (4) For common workers, the most frequent unsafe behavior is breaking into the risk area; for special workers, procedure violations; and for grassroots managers and grassroots supervisors, no supervision at the site. These results indicate a large difference in the unsafe behaviors that must be heeded for different roles in the work team and the deeper reasons for the difference need to be further explored. (5) Unsupervised behavior is presented in 72% of the accidents and the lack of members performing supervisory functions is an important cause of work team accidents. [Conclusion] This study provides references for controlling unsafe construction behaviors.
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    Path analysis of attachment in the safety interactions of construction team members
    HUANG Yuecheng, LI Boning, YU Xiaoxia, WANG Yao, FANG Dongping
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 169-178.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.058
    Abstract   PDF (1170KB) ( 361 )
    [Objective] In recent years, the death toll in the construction industry has remained high and unsafe human behavior is the main cause of accidents. The interactions between construction team members have an important impact on workers' unsafe behavior; the safety leadership of the foreman—the most important firstline managers in the construction team—helps to eliminate the unsafe behavior of the workers. However, workers may develop a negative psychological state, such as anxiety and avoidance, during the actual interaction with their foreman, which affects the improvement of safe behaviors during the implementation of safety leadership, and the mechanism remains unclear. [Methods] Workers and foremen were selected in this research. We took attachment in the field of developmental psychology as the influencing factor of psychological interaction among individual construction team members and explored its mediating effect between foreman's safety leadership and workers' safety behavior and constructed a theoretical model. Based on the well-established adult attachment assessment scale in psychological research, a worker-foreman attachment scale suited for the construction industry was designed. The scale was modified through a pilot study and confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability and validity of the final scale were relatively ideal. The safety leadership questionnaire and safety behavior questionnaire used to measure the foreman's safety leadership and workers' safety behavior were well-proven mature scales. The empirical data were collected from six construction sites in Beijing, Ningxia, and Hubei in China, and 206 valid samples were finally obtained. Structural equation modeling was constructed using AMOS software, and path analysis was performed. [Results] The results show that the foreman's safety leadership has a significant negative impact on workers' attachment avoidance (P<0.001, path coefficient=-0.912). As attachment avoidance negatively influences workers' safety motivation and working habits, it can further negatively affect workers' compliance safety behavior (P<0.001, path coefficient=-0.720) and participation safety behavior (P<0.001, path coefficient=-0.776) as a mediating variable. Workers' attachment anxiety is marginally associated with the foreman's safety leadership in a positive way (P<0.05, path coefficient=0.166), while attachment anxiety is found to have no significant effect on the two dimensions of workers' safety behavior (P>0.05). [Conclusions] The results reveal the mediating effect of attachment avoidance between the foreman's safety leadership and workers' safety behaviors. Through the lens of workers' psychological states, several practical suggestions are given on safety leadership to reduce the occurrence of unsafe behaviors from the perspective of reducing workers' attachment avoidance. This study also finds that the overexertion of safety leadership may lead to a worker's anxiety and emotional state, which has an uncertain impact on their safety behaviors; thus, blindly strengthening safety leadership is inappropriate. This research not only illustrates the mechanism of safety leadership from an individual psychological level but also explains the implications of the worker-foreman relationship and highlights the importance of the interaction between construction team members. The effect of safety leadership is two-sided, and hence, safety leadership should be adjusted flexibly in practice according to the actual situation.
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    Safety culture management mechanism design in the construction industry based on semantic analysis
    HUANG Yuecheng, ZHANG Zhihuai, CAO Sihan, LI Jianhua, FANG Dongping
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 179-190.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.053
    Abstract   PDF (12040KB) ( 169 )
    [Objective] Safety culture plays an important role in safety management in the construction industry. Safety culture evaluation items form an important basis for determining the limitations of safety culture and designing measures for improvement. However, the existing safety culture evaluation items are simply expressed and backed by insufficient logic. Moreover, they lack the management mechanism perspective, thus affecting practical guidance. To manage safety culture in the construction industry more effectively and improve construction safety in engineering practice, it is necessary to link safety culture with the management mechanism. [Methods] There are two main analytical methods used in this study: management mechanism theory and semantic analysis method. The function of the management mechanism is to make the managed objects move in the direction and interact under certain rules desired by the manager, thus ensuring proper management. Semantic analysis refers to the use of various methods to learn and understand the semantic content of the text. Semantic role labeling (SRL) is a method to analyze the relationship between sentence components and predicates, with sentence predicates as the core. Common semantic roles include agent, sufferer, time, place, etc. The semantic analysis results obtained by SRL are highly consistent with those of the management mechanism. Therefore, the SRL method is used to analyze the management mechanism elements and connotations of the safety culture evaluation items on the semantic analysis level. Based on the management mechanism theory and semantic analysis, this study first collects a total of 1 [KG-*7]107 evaluation items from 33 construction safety culture evaluation-related articles. Further, based on the semantic role of the evaluation items, eight types of management mechanism elements are extracted, including agent, behavior, property, time, location, manner, range, and reason. By summarizing all interactions between the management mechanism elements in the evaluation items, the rules of safety culture management mechanism can be explored. [Results] The extraction result analysis indicates that the safety culture evaluation items can be characterized using two management mechanism meta-models and their extended forms, which include one subject or two subjects. Additionally, the management mechanism elements of agent, behavior, property, time, location, manner, range, and reason and their interactions can also be characterized using these models. Of them, all kinds of management mechanism elements not only involve a diversified management practice connotation but can also be adjusted to form the design basis for safety culture improvement measures. The management mechanism elements are also clearer and more practical compared with the conventional brief description of safety culture evaluation items. In addition, this study presents the construction industry safety culture improvement strategy based on the perspective of management mechanism, and the application of this strategy is explained using an actual case. [Conclusions] On the basis of the conventional evaluation-oriented safety culture promotion method, this study theoretically enriches the connotation and characteristics of the safety culture management mechanism and provides suggestions for construction industry employees to implement safety culture management in practice.
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    Data-driven network analysis of construction hazard characteristics and warning strategy
    LIU Mei, XU Linyu, LIAO Pin-Chao, HUANG Yuecheng, SUN Chengshuang
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 191-200.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.059
    Abstract   PDF (6030KB) ( 231 )
    [Objective] The investigation and management of construction hazards have transformed with the digitization and intellectualization of the construction industry. However, the efficient analysis and application of large-scale and high-dimensional hazard data remain farfetched. In this study, a hazard characteristic network is constructed by extracting and reducing the dimensions of the hazard record data on the construction site and data-driven hazard warning strategies are preseneted. [Methods] First, the hazard records are standardized using the text mining method and 111 safety hazard characteristics are extracted. Second, the correlations of these characteristics are determined using the correlation test, and the characteristic network is established based on the correlation strength calculation. Third, critical hazard characteristics are identified based on the analysis of the structural and individual indices in the network. In addition, 11 groups are obtained by the hierarchical clustering of all hazard characteristics. Finally, based on the above methods and analyses, data-driven warning strategies are preseneted in view of hazard characteristics. [Results] Through charateristic extraction and hierarchical clustering of potential safety hazards, 111 potential safety hazard characteristics and 11 potential safety hazard characteristic groups are determined to reduce the dimensions of potential safety hazard data. Based on the correlation test and correlation strength calculation, a safety hazard characteristic network is constructed, and the network and individual indices of safety hazard characteristics (out-degree, in-degree, intermediate, and eigenvector centralities) are analyzed to identify the key hazard characteristics (“facilities/equipment/apparatus/devices”, “settings”, “scaffolding”, and “railings”) and their associated paths with different roles. The early-warning strategies based on the data-driven network analysis are presented to improve timeliness from two aspects. In the early-warning process, relevant potential hazard information and importance ranking are obtained through the correlation analysis of the safety hazards via onsite inspection. Under limited manual labor, the safety management personnel are equipped with troubleshooting ideas and clues to mitigate the limitations of the original unplanned hazard inspection method. Meanwhile, a programmed information system can be further developed to provide early-warning tools. Safety managers can input the hazard information, and the system will conduct rapid standardization in the background to deal with the information and provide the associated hazards and sequencing to ensure timely feedback of hazard inspection clues. [Conclusions] This study establishes the standardization and characteristic extraction method of hazard record data which reduces data dimensionality from 3 [KG-*7]267 nonstandard hazard records to 111 hazard characteristics and 11 hazard characteristic groups to clarify the key information regarding inspection and governance, such as hazard types and scenarios. Based on the analysis of individual and structural indices of the hazard characteristic network, the deduction and importance ranking of potentially associated hazard characteristics are realized, thus providing early-warning clues for effective safety inspection and governance. The early-warning strategies based on data-driven hazard characteristics can not only address the inefficient original unscheduled search method in the early-warning process but also improve safety management efficiency through timely feedback of inspection clues. This study introduces a foundational method for mining regular strategy information with early-warning clues of engineering construction safety hazard data, as well as for effective inspection and governance of construction safety hazards.
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    Intelligent identification of rework risk in the prefabricated construction process based on lean management
    CAO Xinying, MENG Fanfan, LI Xiaodong
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 201-209.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.051
    Abstract   PDF (13076KB) ( 234 )
    [Objectives] Prefabricated construction features advantages such as improving efficiency, shortening the construction period, and reducing costs. However, the factors represented by the rework process hinder its further development. Rework risk management in an actual project relies mainly on expert experience, making it difficult to efficiently and accurately transfer knowledge and add value. This paper establishes an intelligent ontology for rework risk identification by introducing lean management thinking into rework risk management for the prefabricated construction process. The goals are to identify potential rework risks in advance, block the rework flow between construction processes, and minimize non-value-added activities. [Methods] This paper examines the workflow for identifying rework risks in the prefabricated construction process based on the evolutionary transformation-flow-value (TFV) theoretical model and the information flow model. Integrating the requirements and constraints of the design criteria, production, and construction, the models can demonstrate how an owner's expectations flow between lean design, lean supply, and lean assembly and how to query and share rework risk expertise to drive a project forward. Based on lean management ideas, this paper further constructs an intelligent ontological model for rework risk identification in the prefabricated construction process. To realize the advanced rework risk identification in the prefabricated construction process, this paper establishes an overall design framework including three modules: knowledge management, information processing, and reasoning queries. Building information is stored in a building information modeling (BIM) framework. Rework-risk-related knowledge is usually presented or stored in the form of expert experience, engineering practice, documented information, and project documentation. Using individual data mapping, these unstructured data are semantically expressed and stored in the ontological knowledge base as risk precursors. Based on inference and retrieval algorithms, the specifications related to prefabricated construction are written into the ontological knowledge base as risk determination conditions to achieve intelligent rework risk identification and risk information output for individuals in the prefabricated construction process. A laminated slab example is used to illustrate the rework risk identification process. [Results] The process of identifying the rework risk for a laminated slab example demonstrates the following results: The semantic expression of heterogeneous data such as the BIM model, Internet of Things monitoring data, textual information, and document records provides a means for collecting precursory information regarding risk objects. By using relevant algorithms, project participants can eliminate cumbersome data burdens and capture potential product rework risk and optimization measures more quickly and accurately, which ensures that the rework risks in each process will not be overlooked or misunderstood, as well as eliminate the value outflow to maximize the owner's success. [Conclusions] By building an ontological model for rework risk identification based on lean management, the flow of rework between processes may be blocked to some extent, thus reducing the waste caused by non-value-added behaviors. This paper's process of identifying rework risk combines lean management thinking and semantic web technology, which has significance in promoting the knowledge management of rework risks in prefabricated construction.
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    Investment decision-making and cost recovery mechanisms of utility tunnels based on comprehensive benefit quantification
    ZENG Guohua, TANG Zhili, XU Qianjun
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 210-222.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.047
    Abstract   PDF (10324KB) ( 136 )
    [Objective] Urban utility tunnels can provide great benefits promoting urban modernization, technologies, intensification and resilience. However, the lack of investment decision-making constraints and fair and reasonable cost recovery mechanisms limits the sustainable development of utility tunnels. [Methods] This study analyzes the comprehensive costs and benefits over the entire utility tunnel life cycle with emphasis on the four categories that most affect investment decisions, namely, the government financial resources and government foresight, the comprehensive characteristics of the construction area, the specification and sequence of pipelines entering the utility tunnel, and the planning, construction and operation level. [Results] The utility tunnel investment decision-making model has a primary constraint condition for investment decision-making that the project must have a benefit to cost ratio greater than 1. Two kinds of cost recovery mechanisms are defined as the “proportional payment mechanism” (cost recovery mechanism for pipeline units and for the government to pay in proportion to internal and external benefits) and the “gap subsidy mechanism” (cost recovery mechanism for pipeline units to pay according to the internal benefits and for the government to subsidy the gap funds). The 19 utility tunnel projects have benefit to cost ratios concentrated between 1.50 and 3.58, reflecting significant benefits. The “proportional payment mechanism” gives an average government share of 52.3% when considering long-term internal benefits and 67.2% when considering short-term internal benefits. The “gap subsidy mechanism” that focuses on short-term internal benefits gives the average government share of 51.3%. The cost recovery mechanism based on the government gap subsidies considering short-term internal benefits shows that every 30% decrease in the entry rate during the current period increases the average government apportionment ratio by 8.8% on average. [Conclusions] A “two-step” implementation of the utility tunnel cost sharing policy is then developed based on the local, temporal conditions. At the initial stage of utility tunnel development, the cost is shared according to the government “gap subsidy mechanism” considering the short-term internal benefits, and at the mature stage of utility tunnel development, the “proportional payment mechanism” considering the long-term internal benefits is adopted. Finally, utility tunnel sustainable development suggestion is presented to improve the investment decision-making mechanism, to improve the entry fee and use system, and to strengthen the open source model to reduce expenditures during investment and construction by establishing regional platform companies, exploring market-oriented pilots, and other methods.
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    Text mining-based patent analysis on informatization for construction management of hydraulic engineering projects
    XIONG Qian, TANG Wenzhe
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 223-232.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.050
    Abstract   PDF (3598KB) ( 185 )
    [Objective] With the rapid economic and technological development in China, information technologies, such as big data and cloud computing, are being employed for the construction management of hydraulic engineering projects. However, the unbalanced technological development and the disconnection between information technology and the actual construction process still exist. Thus, exploring the research and development in the technological field is crucial. Previous studies have examined the development status of specific information technology in hydraulic engineering informatization. However, research and development status were not systematically demonstrated using quantitative analysis. Patents are critical technological achievements for hydraulic engineering informatization, providing comprehensive technical information for technological exchange and innovation. This research aims to reveal the technology layout and prospects in hydraulic engineering informatization from the patent analysis perspective. [Method] This study proposes a text mining-based patent analysis method to examine the patents on hydraulic engineering informatization collected from the IncoPat global patent database. Initially, the patent application trend, application regions, applicants, and international patent classification (IPC) codes were explored through descriptive statistical analysis. Subsequently, a word frequency analysis was conducted on patents’ titles and technical efficacy, and word clouds were drawn to preliminarily observe their primary themes and functions. Furthermore, text mining was utilized for clustering patent topics. The topic intensity and evolution characteristics of different categories of patents were analyzed based on the clustering results. [Results] Results show that China has entered a period of technological development since 2013, and the number of patents has increased rapidly since 2019. The patent applicants are mainly in provinces where enterprises, universities, and research institutes are concentrated. Enterprises and individuals apply for 77.8% of the patents and emphasize the application value of technology, whereas universities and scientific research institutes contribute to 24.2% of the patents and place great importance on technological innovation. The IPC codes of these patents mainly include hydraulic engineering (E02B), data processing system or method (G06Q), electronic digital processing technology (G06F), and hydrological information monitoring (G01F), revealing interdisciplinary characteristics. The latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model divides the patents into nine technical topics corresponding to four application categories. Among these categories, the number of patents for “equipment and hardware” is the largest and rapidly increasing, indicating promising development prospects for related technologies. Next, the “comprehensive management system” serves as a crucial integrated application, with steadily improving research and development in recent years. In addition, patent applications for “information monitoring” show an increasing trend overall, but few aim to monitor the construction process, indicating that construction monitoring should be considered an important direction in future research. Moreover, the number of patents for “data analysis” has been low for a long time, reflecting the urgency to improve the data analysis ability of construction management in hydraulic engineering projects. [Conclusions] These findings systematically reveal the technology layout, development status, and application prospects of hydraulic engineering informatization in China, providing research method support and empirical reference for future technology development and patent application. This study also recommends improving the capability of construction monitoring for realizing the overall perception system, promoting the application of big data analysis in the construction management of hydraulic engineering projects, and encouraging industry-university-institute collaboration.
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    Risk management of water conservancy projects: Taking water conservancy projects in Ningxia as an example
    LOU Changsheng, TANG Wenzhe, WANG Tengfei
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 233-241.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.049
    Abstract   PDF (1250KB) ( 314 )
    [Objective] Water conservancy projects are complex and closely interact with the economy, society, and environment, involving multiple participants. Thus, there is a need to systematically manage risks to water conservancy projects with the support of information technology to effectively control risks and reduce losses. [Method] This study presents a risk management model for water conservancy projects, which can help understand the relationships between incentives, collaboration among participants, risk management processes, and information management platforms for water conservancy projects. Practically, the model can assist participants in efficiently managing project risks holistically. The model is validated by a survey of water conservancy projects in Ningxia, China. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through a survey method mainly based on a questionnaire survey, supplemented by interviews and field investigation. The indicators were constructed based on literature research, and the 5-point Likert scoring method was used to quantify these indicators. The questionnaire consists of four parts: (1) In the section on risk factors of water conservancy projects, the influence and possibility of risks of water conservancy projects were evaluated. (2) In the section on the risk management system of the participating parties, the current situation of the risk management of each participant was analyzed to comprehensively evaluate the risk management level of each participant in water conservancy projects. (3) In the section on risk management methods, the use of risk management methods by the participants in each stage of risk management was evaluated. (4) In the section on risk management constraints, the main obstacles encountered by each participant in the risk management processes were summarized. Based on the mean value analysis of the questionnaire data and the interviews with each participant involved in the construction of water conservancy projects, we systematically analyzed the current situation of risk management of water conservancy projects in Ningxia. [Results] The survey results on risk management of water conservancy projects in Ningxia show that: (1) The main risks in water conservancy projects include construction safety issues, poor hydrogeological conditions, insufficient construction management capabilities, and resettlement issues. (2) Each participant in water conservancy projects needs to further improve their risk management systems to improve the level of risk management. (3) Risk analysis of water conservancy projects is mainly judged by the technical and management personnel relying on experience. Qualitative analysis is mainly used in risk analysis. Meanwhile, quantitative analysis has not been conducted. (4) The main constraints of risk management of water conservancy projects include the lack of a joint risk management system, insufficient information support for risk management, and irrational risk distribution among each participant in the construction. [Conclusions] Through the research on risk management of water conservancy projects in Ningxia, this study provides suggestions on risk management and helps the participants further improve their risk management capabilities. Risk management of water conservancy projects should (1) establish a formal risk management system; (2) create a collaborative risk management mechanism; (3) use appropriate incentives; and (4) develop an information management platform consisting of a water conservancy project risk database, a collaborative work system, and a decision-making support system.
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    Influence of clients' design management capability on the design performance of water conservancy projects
    LIU Yang, TANG Wenzhe, WANG Yunhong, ZHANG Huicong
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 242-254.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.048
    Abstract   PDF (1106KB) ( 214 )
    [Objective] Water conservancy projects play a critical role in irrigation, power generation, water supply, flood control, and navigation. The design processes are of great importance to the water conservancy project delivery with client requirements transformed into reality, thus making it imperative for clients to focus on design management. Poor design management of clients can result in several design problems, such as inadequate understanding of the operational and maintenance requirements in designs, design delay, the high construction cost of design options, and poor design constructability. The client-related design problems can be attributed to their poor design management in contract management, interface management and technical audit of designs, insufficient use of incentives for designers, and inadequate design resources. Existing studies have mainly focused on design management from the designers' perspective. However, a systematic analysis of the impact of clients' design management capability on the design performance has not been conducted so far. Thus, the purpose of this study is to establish and test a conceptual model of clients' design management and reveal the causal relationships between their design management capability, use of incentives for designers, design resource allocation, and design performance in water conservancy projects. [Methods] In this study, multiple methods were used to collect qualitative and quantitative data from the field survey on the water conservancy projects in Ningxia, China, including questionnaires, interviews, direct observation, and project document reviews. All respondents had relevant professional experience in project management and either worked at the ministry of water resources in the country or participated in the water conservancy projects in Ningxia. The sample mean estimation, analysis of variance, consistency test, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to perform the statistical analysis of the quantitative data. Moreover, the bootstrap method was adopted to test the mediating effects in the model. [Results] The results indicate that clients' design management capability has gained acceptance by the participants of the water conservancy projects of Ningxia, while notably, the design-related contract management is more challenging for clients themselves. In addition, clients should give their concern for the trade-off between rewards and punishments for design incentives, as well as optimizing the design period and the allocation of information resources. The SEM results confirm three paths from clients' design management capability to the design performance of water conservancy projects with the standardized regression coefficients under a significance level of 0.001. The first path is clients' design management capability → design performance; the second path is clients' design management capability → design resource allocation → design performance; and the third path is clients' design management capability → use of incentives for designers→ design resource allocation → design performance. [Conclusions] This study reveals that clients' design management capability can directly promote resource allocation and also exert an effect on design resource allocation through the use of incentives, thereby achieving a superior design performance. The use of incentives and design resource allocation contribute a chain mediating effect to clients' design management capability and design performance. The findings of this study can provide theoretical and practical guidance for the clients of water conservancy projects to conduct effective design management and improve design outcomes. The clients are suggested to enhance design management through improving their capabilities of design-related contract management, interface management and technical audit capabilities, and effectively allocating resources for the front-end design, geological exploration equipment, design period and information management, as well as applying incentives to motivate design optimization and innovation.
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    Factor analysis and system construction of integrated water resource management in the Xiong'an New Area
    XIONG Qian, TANG Wenzhe, WANG Zhongjing
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 255-263.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.060
    Abstract   PDF (4806KB) ( 148 )
    [Objective] Located in the Baiyangdian Basin, the Xiong'an New Area is important for the optimization of urban and regional development modes in China. However, the Xiong'an New Area has a weak water resource carrying capacity, and its utilization efficiency of water resources urgently needs improvement. Integrated water resource management refers to systematically considering all aspects of water resource use to improve utilization efficiency, which is crucial for the construction and sustainable development of the Xiong'an New Area. Previous studies have explored integrated water resource management in terms of basin scheduling, market construction, and so on. However, these studies are often limited to a certain aspect of integrated water resource management without a holistic perspective and lack empirical data support. Consequently, this research takes the Xiong'an New Area as the research area, aiming to identify the key aspects contributing to successful integrated water resource management and provide practical and managerial suggestions. [Methods] This research conducted a questionnaire survey and interviews to obtain data on the demand and situation of water resource management in the Xiong'an New Area. At the same time, statistics released by the government were collected to reflect the current situation of water resource utilization in the Xiong'an New Area. This research first adopted a descriptive statistical analysis to explore the survey data. Subsequently, principal component analysis was applied to categorize the 16 factors for integrated water resource management into several key aspects for the Xiong'an New Area. Additionally, hierarchical cluster analysis was used to extract the factors, aiming to complement the results of the principal component analysis. [Results] The results show that the Xiong'an New Area has a strong demand for integrated water resource management, and importance should be attached to all factors in the survey. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis consistently divide the factors into four categories, indicating that water resource allocation, water-related stakeholder management, intelligent management, and water market regulation should be comprehensively considered to achieve integrated water resource management in the Xiong'an New Area. On the basis of local water resource endowment and the characteristics of water-related stakeholders, this research further structures an integrated water resource management system for the Xiong'an New Area comprising four strategies. (1) Integrated management of stakeholders and water markets recommends that administrative departments should encourage water enterprises to optimize resource allocation through industrial chains, establish a public participation mechanism, give full play to the role of the market in water resource allocation, and realize real-time monitoring of the market and stakeholders. (2) Integrated management of ecological, production, and domestic water consumption should consider the water demands of different stakeholders and encourage industrial restructuring, water recycling, and modernizing water-saving projects. (3) An integrated intelligent management platform for water resource based on information technology should be used to provide convenient, quick, and efficient service to the public, administrative department, and water enterprises. [Conclusions] These findings reveal the key aspects for successful integrated water resource management in the Xiong'an New Area and provide an empirical basis for optimizing the water resource management mode, which could help clarify and reasonably distribute the responsibilities, rights, and interests of local water-related stakeholders and establish a collaborative working mechanism to improve the efficiency of local water resource uses.
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    Integrated risk management of water affairs in Xiong'an New Area
    LOU Changsheng, TANG Wenzhe, WANG Zhongjing
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 264-271.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.054
    Abstract   PDF (2392KB) ( 160 )
    [Objective] Water affairs are closely related to the economy, society, and environment, involving multiple risks with complex relationships. The integrated risk management of water affairs with the support of information technology is needed. In the past, the water affairs management mode was inefficient and lacked interdepartmental coordination, which was inconducive to the integration of resources and technologies for efficient management, leading to waste and pollution of water resources and reducing the development and utilization efficiency of water resources. The water department should establish an integrated management system to realize the integrated and efficient management of water resources, flood control, water supply, water saving, drainage, water and soil conservation, sewage treatment and reuse, and reclaimed water utilization. [Methods] This study presents an integrated risk management model for water affairs and investigates the risk management of water affairs in Xiong'an New Area. Theoretically, the model can help us understand the relationships among water affairs, risk management processes, and information technology. Practically, the model can guide the water department in comprehensively, collaboratively, and efficiently managing the risks of water affairs. This study selected the risk management of water affairs in Xiong'an New Area as the research object. Quantitative data were collected by questionnaire survey, and qualitative data were collected by interview, on-site investigation, and data collection. The questionnaire evaluated the risk factors of water affairs in Xiong'an New Area using the five-point Likert scale to quantify these indicators. The importance of different risks was judged by mean value analysis and the risk factors were classified by hierarchical cluster analysis using SPSS 22.0. [Results] The main risks of water affairs in Xiong'an New Area are (1) flood disasters, (2) water ecological problems, (3) water resource shortage, and (4) water engineering construction and operation management risks. The corresponding prevention measures for the aforementioned risks include the following: (1) A coordination mechanism for river basin governance should be established to effectively prevent and control flood risks including an integrated flood control system, adequate flood control facilities, overall management of upstream and downstream channels, and joint regulation of reservoirs. (2) The water ecological risks should be effectively controlled through measures such as adjusting the industrial structure, strictly controlling the discharge of various pollution sources, establishing a long-term water transfer and replenishment mechanism, and restoring the Baiyangdian Lake and upstream river ecosystems. (3) Based on the coordination mechanism between river basins and regions, the supply of water resources should be coordinated and both market and administrative supervision should be used to manage water intake, water supply, water consumption, water conservation, drainage, sewage treatment and recycling, industrial structure optimization, and water resource recycling. (4) The integrated risk management of the entire life cycle of water projects should be strengthened, including planning and design management, construction management, and operation management. [Conclusions] Risk management of water affairs should (1) establish an integrated risk management mechanism for water affairs, (2) use information technology to monitor the risk of the entire basin and integrate multisource information on water affairs, and (3) improve the entire process of integrated risk management, including risk identification, risk analysis, risk response, and risk monitoring.
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    Integrated management of waterworks through value co-creation:A case study of the Xiong'an New Area
    LIU Yang, TANG Wenzhe, WANG Zhongjing
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 272-282.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.057
    Abstract   PDF (1645KB) ( 180 )
    [Objective] The management of waterworks should be integrated from a holistic view. Existing studies mostly focus on a single perspective, and there is a lack of systematic research on how to realize integrated management of waterworks at the basin, region, and project levels through stakeholder cooperation. Based on the value co-creation theory, we establish a conceptual model for the integrated management of waterworks from different spatial scales and explain why and how the relevant government departements adopt measures to achieve integrated management of waterworks. [Methods] We considered the Xiong'an New Area in China as an example and adopted a single-case method to explore the law behind the phenomenon. Following the data collection method of triangulation verification, multiple methods were used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data, including questionnaires, interviews, direct observation, and internal and external document review, such as official reports, archives, policy documents, and media reports. The Likert-5 score method was used to design the questionnaire, and 87 questionnaires were collected to evaluate the management needs of waterworks. SPSS 24.0 software was applied to perform the sample mean estimation and calculate the Cronbach's α for the reliability test to analyze quantitative data in this study. For qualitative data, we adopted the grounded theory to perform open coding, principal coding, and selective coding successively to extract the required information. Furthermore, we established a model for the integrated management of waterworks and demonstrated the urgent needs for waterworks integration in terms of policies, management, and markets. [Results] All ratings of waterworks management needs are greater than 4, indicating that the Xiong'an New Area has urgent management needs in flood control and drainage, ecological protection, and utilization of water resources. Through independent qualitative data analysis and coding by two researchers, 3 core categories, 12 main categories, and 24 subcategories are clustered according to the grounded theory and the core contents related to the research topic are extracted, including the integrated management needs of waterworks, the value co-creation process, and the integrated management of waterworks. The results show that the integrated management of waterworks requires the water management department to take the lead and coordinate with other government departments, water users, and project participants to jointly create value with the support of information technology to achieve multiple management objectives. [Conclusions] This study reveals the value co-creation process of all stakeholders in the integrated management of waterworks and makes suggestions for the government to manage waterworks, including (1) establishing a unified water management department to take responsibility for the entire management process of waterworks, (2) cooperating with other government departments to establish a coordinated operation mechanism combining drainage basins and regions for waterworks, (3) monitoring water demand and interactive feedback with water users as well as implementing dynamic water supply for production, domestic, and ecological use, (4) developing a unified operation management system to improve the operation efficiency, and (5) effectively supervising the project participants of waterworks and integrating the planning, design, construction, and operation of waterworks to promote the optimal allocation of industrial chain resources. The findings of this study provide references for government water management departments to coordinate stakeholders for the integrated management of waterworks.
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    Integrated water management in the Xiong'an New Area from the perspective of stakeholder cooperation
    HU Senchang, WANG Yunhong, WU Zekun, TANG Wenzhe, WANG Zhongjing, LI Shaoyi, MENG Xiangxin
    Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology). 2023, 63 (2): 283-292.   DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.22.056
    Abstract   PDF (4619KB) ( 143 )
    [Objective] Water is the core resource of the Xiong'an New Area. Thus, achieving scientific and efficient management of water-related affairs is a critical challenge that must be solved. Water-related affairs in the Xiong'an New Area involve numerous stakeholders; however, there is a lack of systematic empirical research from the perspective of cooperation among government departments, water companies, and water users. Accordingly, this study aims to analyze the integrated water management mechanism from the perspective of cooperation among all stakeholders. [Methods] This study presented an integrated water management structure from the perspective of stakeholder cooperation and revealed the role of stakeholders in the water management cooperation mechanism from a theoretical perspective. Furthermore, this study combined quantitative and qualitative empirical research methods to analyze the current situation of integrated water management among stakeholders in the Xiong'an New Area. A questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data, and expert interviews and project visits were conducted to collect qualitative data. [Results] The results indicate that it is critical to establish a cooperation mechanism that combines river basins and regions for stakeholders in water-related affairs. It is necessary to clarify the work processes and allocation of responsibilities and rights of all stakeholders, realize the coordination and linkage between river basins and regions, and effectively solve water replenishment, pollution control, flood control, environmental protection, and other issues in an integrated way. The realization of the elements of the cooperation mechanism of stakeholders in water affairs demonstrates that all stakeholders must focus on the establishment of common goals and mutual trust, optimization of resource element allocation, reduction of regulatory costs, and strengthening of public water management performance and social supervision. “The enthusiasm for implementation” is most closely related to other elements and can represent the overall cooperation level of stakeholders. Accordingly, establishing incentive/restraint mechanisms in the stakeholder cooperation mechanism can promote the active and effective implementation of the cooperation mechanism. [Conclusions] This study concludes that (1) to implement integrated management of water affairs, it is necessary to integrate water-related functions, specify the core position of water affairs management departments, achieve unified planning, dispatching, and management of water resources, and avoid inefficiency and weakening of management functions caused by departmental interest conflicts. In addition, it is necessary to establish an effective assessment mechanism, review the work effectiveness of the water affairs management department with multi-perspective and multi-level evaluation feedback, promote the efficiency of administrative operation with positive incentives, eliminate the phenomenon of lazy government and power rent-seeking, and ensure the healthy development of the water industry. (2) Establish sound laws and regulations for the water market, follow the operating rules of the market economy, and allow enterprises to obtain reasonable economic benefits. The water affairs management department should conduct supervision and management and provide positive incentives, guide the business behavior of enterprises, improve the long-term incentive mechanism of the market, and realize the scientific combination of the development, rational allocation, efficient usage, and effective protection of the water resources system in the Xiong'an New Area. (3) The integrated management of water affairs must enhance the effective participation mechanism of the public, strengthen the effective restraint of public supervision on water enterprises and management departments, enhance the trust of all stakeholders, promote consensus, and improve the service level through information disclosure and transparent management. The findings of this study can provide theoretical and practical references for cooperative management of water-related affairs by stakeholders.
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