罗荣康, 俞志豪, 吴佩宝, 侯之超    
清华大学 车辆与运载学院, 北京 100084
摘要:内悬置电动轮构型可延长电机使用寿命, 缓解簧下质量过大造成的舒适性问题。由于轮内空间有限, 用于动力传递的柔性联轴器结构和性能直接决定内悬置电动轮的性能。该文提出了一种面向内悬置电动轮的柔性联轴器。该联轴器是由多个连接臂组成的平面并联机构, 每个连接臂由2个平行四边形机构串联而成。建立了该联轴器机构的运动学和动力学模型, 给出了偏心度、连杆静载荷及动载荷的计算方法。结合一组结构参数, 对联轴器的偏心度、连杆静载荷及动载荷进行了定量分析。结果表明:该联轴器允许传动系统在动力传动过程中沿垂向跳动, 具有等速传动、占用轴向空间小、偏心行程大以及动载荷小等特点。该联轴器可望推进内悬置电动轮的工程化研发。
关键词电动轮    电机悬置    柔性联轴器    平面并联机构    动力学分析    
Dynamic analysis of flexible coupling for an electric wheel with a suspended drive motor
LUO Rongkang, YU Zhihao, WU Peibao, HOU Zhichao    
School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract: [Objective] Compared with the commercially available centralized motor drive systems, in-wheel drive motors are installed inside the wheels and provide high transmission efficiency, enhanced control flexibility, and ease of modular vehicle design. In mainstream configurations of in-wheel drive motors, the power and transmission devices are rigidly connected to the chassis, thereby increasing the unsprung mass of the vehicle and the rotational inertia of the wheels. This increase in unsprung mass and rotational inertia results in higher vertical acceleration of the vehicle body and increased dynamic loads on the wheels. Moreover, due to the lack of buffering effect from the centralized driving vehicle's half shaft, the rotational vibration of the wheels and the longitudinal vibration of the vehicle are more prominent. Electric wheels with suspended drive motors can not only extend motor life but also alleviate comfort problems as a result of excessive unsprung mass. Designing flexible coupling within limited wheel space in an electric wheel is a critical challenge. [Methods] In this paper, a flexible coupling was proposed for an electric wheel with a suspended drive motor. The coupling was a planar parallel mechanism composed of several connecting arms, each of which consisted of two parallelogram mechanisms linked in series. As only the rotational joints existed and the stiffness of the input and output disks were high, the analysis assumed that the connecting rod only experienced axial deformation and the input and output disks were treated as rigid bodies. Under these assumptions, kinematic and dynamic models were established for the coupling utilizing the geometric relationships between the rods with the principles of mechanical equilibrium. Coupling eccentricity and the static and dynamic loads of the components were then derived. To demonstrate, a set of parameters were selected for the coupling, and numerical calculations were performed for the eccentricity, static load, and dynamic load of the coupling. [Results] The results show that the coupling can transmit power with constant velocity and allows the transmission system to jump in vertical directions during power transmission. The total eccentric stroke of this coupling reaches 58.2 mm, which is sufficient for an in-wheel suspended drive motor. Application of 400 N·m torque and 1 000 r/min to the input shaft leads to a maximum static load on the connecting rod of approximately 1 300 N and a maximum dynamic load on the output disk of approximately 35 N. Under the same conditions, the dynamic load on the proposed coupling is only 1/10 of that on the Oldham coupling. [Conclusions] The coupling proposed in this paper can have a large eccentric stroke while occupying little axial space and imposing negligible dynamic load. This coupling can be helpful in developing electric wheels with suspended drive motors. The flexibility of the coupling allows the motor and transmission components to move independently from the wheel, which reduces the unsprung mass and solves the problem of vibration and noise. This coupling has significant advantages over previous solutions in terms of size, dynamic load, and mechanical efficiency. This work provides a reference for designing in-wheel suspended drive motors.
Key words: electrical wheel    motor suspension    flexible coupling    planar parallel mechanism    dynamic analysis    








1 多连杆柔性联轴器

图 1为一内悬置电动轮结构简图,其具体结构可见系列专利[15-17]。该内悬置电动轮的电机通过一滑块和弹簧与转向节连接,而转向节通过一薄壁轴承与车轮轮辋连接。

图 1 内悬置电动轮结构简图

由于在电动轮工作过程中电机会相对于车轮上下跳动,为了确保电机输出轴稳定地为轮辋提供驱动力矩,输出轴与轮辋之间需要配置柔性联轴器,见图 1中红线标注区域。受限于轮内空间,该柔性联轴器需满足以下要求:1) 由于电机等部件内置,联轴器可使用的轮内空间十分有限,特别是轴向尺寸应尽可能小。若联轴器轴向尺寸过大,电机需往车身内侧偏移,这将造成悬架布置困难。2) 为了提高隔振性能,电机上下跳动的行程应尽可能大。3) 鉴于车辆恶劣的工作环境,且联轴器在其中高速旋转,要求其运动副有较好的密封性,且需要尽量降低输出盘承受的动载荷。

基于上述要求,本文提出一种柔性联轴器,如图 2所示。该联轴器是一平面并联机构,由多个连接臂组成。图 2a为联轴器整体安装在内悬置电动轮上的实物图。联轴器的输入盘与图 1中电机输出轴通过螺栓固定,输出盘与图 1中轮辋外侧通过螺栓固定连接。每个连接臂由2个串联的平行四边形机构组成。

图 2 多连杆柔性联轴器

图 2b所示,单个连接臂有 abc 3种连杆,共有5根连杆,分别命名为a1a2c1c2b。杆a1a2相互平行且与输出盘直接相连;c1c2相互平行且与输入盘直接相连;杆b为中间杆。杆a1a2与输出盘的2个铰接点连线可等效为一虚拟连杆,与输出盘固接;杆c1c2与输入盘铰接点的连线则可等效为另一虚拟连杆,与输入盘固接。两虚拟连杆在图 2b中以虚线表示。中间杆b与两虚拟连杆平行。3种连杆的长度分别记为LaLbLc,各自质心与b杆铰接中心的距离分别为lalblc



2 运动学与动力学分析

本章首先建立连接臂机构的运动学和动力学模型,给出了最大偏心度、连杆静载荷及动载荷的计算方法。为简化分析,在后文分析中应用以下假设:1) 忽略连接副的间隙和摩擦;2) 连杆只存在轴向变形;3) 输入盘和输出盘为刚体;4) 忽略各连杆的转动惯量。

2.1 运动学分析

由于一个连接臂即可限制输入盘和输出盘之间2个平移自由度,多个中心对称的连接臂对输入盘和输出盘的运动约束是冗余。因此,这里只需分析单个连接臂,即可得到联轴器的运动学特性。为此,建立图 3所示的单个连接臂的连杆模型。

图 3 联轴器单个连接臂模型

图 3中,以输出盘中心为坐标原点建立绝对坐标系x-y。假设输入盘旋转中心相对该原点在y轴方向上的偏置距离(偏心度)为e。为了描述输入盘和输出盘的运动,定义输出盘的随体坐标系xr-yr,其原点与绝对坐标系原点重合。令输入盘和输出盘上虚拟连杆的中心点坐标分别为(xi, yi)和(xo, yo)。图中:Hh分别表示输出盘和输入盘上虚拟连杆距离各自圆心的距离,rR分别表示输入盘和输出盘的半径,αβ分别表示杆a1a2和杆c1c2与中间杆的夹角,输入盘转角为θ

求解各连杆的运动规律,关键在于得到αβ随输入盘转角θ和偏心度e变化的函数。根据图 3,可得输入盘和输出盘上虚拟连杆中心之间的距离向量为

$ \left[\begin{array}{l} \mathit{\Delta}_{x} \\ \mathit{\Delta}_{y} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c} -(H-h) \sin \theta \\ (H-h) \cos \theta-e \end{array}\right] . $ (1)


$ \left[\begin{array}{l} \mathit{\Delta}_{x, \mathrm{r}} \\ \mathit{\Delta}_{y, \mathrm{r}} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{cc} \cos \theta & \sin \theta \\ -\sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{l} \mathit{\Delta}_{x} \\ \mathit{\Delta}_{y} \end{array}\right]. $ (2)


$ \left[\begin{array}{c} L_{a} \cos \alpha+L_{c} \cos \beta \\ L_{a} \sin \alpha+L_{c} \sin \beta \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{l} \mathit{\Delta}_{x, \mathrm{r} }\\ \mathit{\Delta}_{y, \mathrm{r}} \end{array}\right]. $ (3)


$ \beta(\theta, e)={\rm{ \mathsf{ π}}}-\arcsin \frac{-p+\operatorname{sgn}(\sin \theta) \sqrt{p^{2}-4 q}}{2}, $ (4)
$ \alpha(\theta, e)=\arcsin \frac{\mathit{\Delta}_{y, \mathrm{r}}-L_{c} \sin \beta}{L_{a}} . $ (5)

其中: sgn(·)为符号函数,而pq的解析式如下:

$ p=\frac{\mathit{\Delta}_{y, \mathrm{r}}\left(L_{a}^{2}-L_{c}^{2}-\mathit{\Delta}_{x, \mathrm{r}}^{2}-\mathit{\Delta}_{y, \mathrm{r}}^{2}\right)}{L_{c}\left(\mathit{\Delta}_{x, \mathrm{r}}^{2}+\mathit{\Delta}_{y, \mathrm{r}}^{2}\right)} , $ (6)
$ q=\frac{\left(L_{a}^{2}-L_{c}^{2}-\mathit{\Delta}_{x, \mathrm{r}}^{2}-\mathit{\Delta}_{y, \mathrm{r}}^{2}\right)^{2}-4 L_{c}^{2} \mathit{\Delta}_{x, \mathrm{r}}^{2}}{4 L_{c}^{2}\left(\mathit{\Delta}_{x, \mathrm{r}}^{2}+\mathit{\Delta}_{y, \mathrm{r}}^{2}\right)}. $ (7)


$ e \leqslant L_{a}+L_{c}-(H-h) . $ (8)


2.2 静态载荷分析



假设输入盘转动一个微小的角度Δθ, 则固接在输入盘上的⑤号和⑥号铰接点的位移分别为:

$ \boldsymbol{X}_{5}=r {\Delta} \theta\left[\begin{array}{c} -\cos (\gamma) \\ \sin (\gamma) \end{array}\right], \boldsymbol{X}_{6}=r {\Delta} \theta\left[\begin{array}{l} -\cos (\gamma) \\ -\sin (\gamma) \end{array}\right] . $ (9)

其中$ \gamma=\arccos \left(\frac{h}{r}\right)+\theta$

相应地,由X5X6引起的各杆形变和受力如图 4所示。

图 4 单连接臂受力分析

图 4所示坐标系中,每种杆件对应角度θ的刚度矩阵可以写为:

$ \boldsymbol{K}_{a}=k_{a} \boldsymbol{K}({\rm{ \mathsf{ π}}}-\alpha+\theta), $ (10)
$ \boldsymbol{K}_{c}=k_{c} \boldsymbol{K}({\rm{ \mathsf{ π}}}-\beta+\theta), $ (11)
$ \boldsymbol{K}_{b}=k_{b} \boldsymbol{K}(\theta) . $ (12)
$ \boldsymbol{K}(\varphi)=\left[\begin{array}{cc} \cos ^{2} \varphi & \cos \varphi \sin \varphi \\ \cos \varphi \sin \varphi & \sin ^{2} \varphi \end{array}\right] . $ (13)

其中φ=π-α+θ, π-β+θθ


$ \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{s} 1} =-\boldsymbol{K}_{a} \boldsymbol{\varPi}\left(\boldsymbol{K}_{b} \boldsymbol{K}_{\mathrm{s}}^{-1} \boldsymbol{K}_{c} \boldsymbol{X}_{5}+\boldsymbol{K}_{c} \boldsymbol{X}_{6}\right), $ (14)
$ \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{s} 2} =-\boldsymbol{K}_{a} \boldsymbol{\varPi}\left(\boldsymbol{K}_{b} \boldsymbol{K}_{\mathrm{s}}^{-1} \boldsymbol{K}_{c} \boldsymbol{X}_{6}+\boldsymbol{K}_{c} \boldsymbol{X}_{5}\right). $ (15)

其中:Ks=Ka+Kb+KcΠ=(Ks-Kb Ks-1Kb)-1

定义该连接臂的等效扭转刚度KTFs1Fs2组成力偶矩与Δθ的比值, 其表达式为

$ K_{T}(\theta)=-\boldsymbol{K}_{a} \boldsymbol{\varPi}\left(\boldsymbol{K}_{b} \boldsymbol{K}_{\mathrm{s}}^{-1} \boldsymbol{K}_{\beta} r\left[\begin{array}{c}-\cos \gamma \\ \sin \gamma\end{array}\right]+\boldsymbol{K}_{\beta} r\left[\begin{array}{l}-\cos \gamma \\ -\sin \gamma\end{array}\right]\right). $ (16)


$ K_{T, i}=K_{T}\left(\theta+\frac{2 {\rm{ \mathsf{ π}}}}{N}(i-1)\right) . $ (17)


$ T_{i}=\frac{K_{T, i}}{\sum K_{T, i}} T_{\text {input }}. $ (18)


$ F_{a_{1}, i}=-F_{a_{2}, i}=\frac{T_{i}}{L_{a} \sin \alpha}, $ (19)
$ F_{b, i}=\frac{T_{i}}{L_{a}}(\cot \beta+\cot \alpha), $ (20)
$ F_{c_{1}, i}=-F_{c_{2}, i}=\frac{T_{i}}{L_{a} \sin \beta} . $ (21)

其中: Fa1, iFa2, iFbiFc1, iFc2, i分别表示第i个连接臂的各个连杆上的轴向力。

2.3 动载荷分析


图 5为某一连接臂的动载荷受力示意图。图中:mambmc分别表示对应连杆的质量, aa1ac1aa2ac2ab分别表示对应连杆的加速度,Fdi为各铰接点所受的动载荷。在稳态运行过程中,杆b的角速度为定值,其转动惯量对动载荷没有贡献;杆a1c1a2c2的角加速度都较小,且长度短。因此,为简化模型,忽略各连杆的转动惯量。

图 5 连接臂动载荷分析


$ {\left[\begin{array}{l} x_{a_{j}} \\ y_{a_{j}} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{l} x_{o} \\ y_{o} \end{array}\right]+(-1)^{i} \frac{l_{b}}{2}\left[\begin{array}{c} \cos \theta \\ \sin \theta \end{array}\right]+l_{a}\left[\begin{array}{c} \cos \phi_{a} \\ -\sin \phi_{a} \end{array}\right], } $ (22)
$ {\left[\begin{array}{l} x_{b} \\ y_{b} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{l} x_{o} \\ x_{o} \end{array}\right]-l_{b}\left[\begin{array}{c} \cos \phi_{a} \\ \sin \phi_{a} \end{array}\right], } $ (23)
$ {\left[\begin{array}{l} x_{c_{j}} \\ y_{c_{j}} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{l} x_{i} \\ y_{i} \end{array}\right]+(-1)^{i} \frac{l_{b}}{2}\left[\begin{array}{c} \cos \theta \\ \sin \theta \end{array}\right]+l_{c}\left[\begin{array}{c} -\cos \phi_{c} \\ \sin \phi_{c} \end{array}\right] .} $ (24)

其中:ϕa=α-θϕc=β-θj=1, 2。对质心坐标求2阶导数可得到各杆质心的加速度,

$ \boldsymbol{a}_{n}=\frac{\mathrm{d}^{2}\left[\begin{array}{l} x_{n} \\ y_{n} \end{array}\right]}{\mathrm{d}^{2} t}=\frac{\mathrm{d}^{2}\left[\begin{array}{l} x_{n} \\ y_{n} \end{array}\right]}{\mathrm{d}^{2} \theta}\left(\frac{\mathrm{d} \theta}{\mathrm{d} t}\right)^{2}+\frac{\mathrm{d}\left[\begin{array}{l} x_{n} \\ y_{n} \end{array}\right]}{\mathrm{d} \theta} \frac{\mathrm{d}^{2} \theta}{\mathrm{d}^{2} t}. $ (25)

其中n=a1, a2, b, c1, c2。由于本节考虑匀速转动时的动载荷,$ \frac{\mathrm{d}^{2} \theta}{\mathrm{d}^{2} t}=0$,因此动载荷向量和角速度的平方成正比。这意味着角速度的正负并不会改变动载荷向量。

求解$ \frac{{{{\rm{d}}^2}\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{x_n}}\\ {{y_n}} \end{array}} \right]}}{{{{\rm{d}}^2}\theta }}$的关键在于计算$ \frac{\mathrm{d}^{2} \alpha}{\mathrm{d}^{2} \theta}$$ \frac{\mathrm{d}^{2} \beta}{\mathrm{d}^{2} \theta}$。为此,通过式(3)进行隐函数求导,然后求解导数方程,可得:

$ \frac{\mathrm{d}^{2} \alpha}{\mathrm{d}^{2} \theta}=-\frac{L_{\alpha} \cos (\alpha-\beta)\left(\frac{\mathrm{d} \alpha}{\mathrm{d} \theta}\right)^{2}+L_{c}\left(\frac{\mathrm{d} \beta}{\mathrm{d} \theta}\right)^{2}+e \sin (\beta-\theta)}{L_{a} \sin (\alpha-\beta)}, $ (26)
$ \frac{\mathrm{d}^{2} \beta}{\mathrm{d}^{2} \theta}=\frac{L_{a}\left(\frac{\mathrm{d} \alpha}{\mathrm{d} \theta}\right)^{2}+L_{c} \cos (\alpha-\beta)\left(\frac{\mathrm{d} \beta}{\mathrm{d} \theta}\right)^{2}+e \sin (\alpha-\theta)}{L_{c} \sin (\alpha-\beta)} . $ (27)


$ \frac{\mathrm{d} \alpha}{\mathrm{d} \theta} =-\frac{e \cos (\beta-\theta)}{L_{a} \sin (\alpha-\beta)}, $ (28)
$ \frac{\mathrm{d} \beta}{\mathrm{d} \theta} =\frac{e \cos (\alpha-\theta)}{L_{c} \sin (\alpha-\beta)} $ (29)


$ \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 3}=-\left(\frac{L_{a}-l_{a}}{L_{a}} m_{a} \boldsymbol{a}_{a_{1}}+\frac{l_{b}}{L_{b}} m_{b} \boldsymbol{a}_{b}+\frac{L_{c}-l_{c}}{L_{c}} m_{c} \boldsymbol{a}_{c_{1}}\right) , $ (30)
$ \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 4}=-\left(\frac{L_{a}-l_{a}}{L_{a}} m_{a} \boldsymbol{a}_{a_{2}}+\frac{L_{b}-l_{b}}{L_{b}} m_{b} \boldsymbol{a}_{b}+\frac{L_{c}-l_{c}}{L_{c}} m_{c} \boldsymbol{a}_{c_{2}}\right). $ (31)


$ \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 1}=-\boldsymbol{K}_{a} \boldsymbol{\varPi}\left(\boldsymbol{K}_{b} \boldsymbol{K}_{\mathrm{s}}^{-1} \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 4}+\boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 3}\right)-\frac{l_{a}}{L_{a}} m_{a} \boldsymbol{a}_{a_{1}}, $ (32)
$ \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 2}=-\boldsymbol{K}_{a} \boldsymbol{\varPi}\left(\boldsymbol{K}_{b} \boldsymbol{K}_{\mathrm{s}}^{-1} \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 3}+\boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 4}\right)-\frac{l_{a}}{L_{a}} m_{a} \boldsymbol{a}_{a_{2}} . $ (33)


$ \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 5}=-\boldsymbol{K}_{c} \boldsymbol{\varPi}\left(\boldsymbol{K}_{b} \boldsymbol{K}_{\mathrm{s}}^{-1} \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 4}+\boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 3}\right)-\frac{l_{c}}{L_{c}} m_{c} \boldsymbol{a}_{c_{1}}, $ (34)
$ \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 6}=-\boldsymbol{K}_{c} \boldsymbol{\varPi}\left(\boldsymbol{K}_{b} \boldsymbol{K}_{\mathrm{s}}^{-1} \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 3}+\boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{d} 4}\right)-\frac{l_{c}}{L_{c}} m_{c} \boldsymbol{a}_{c_{2}} . $ (35)


3 实例分析


表 1为联轴器机构实例的设计参数,图 6为其结构示意图。

表 1 联轴器机构实例参数
参数 数值 参数 数值
R/mm 185.00 Lc/mm 52.00
r/mm 114.43 ma/kg 0.011 1
La/mm 56.14 mb/kg 0.051 8
Lb/mm 130.00 mc/kg 0.036 1
la/mm 30.80 ka/(N·mm-1) 7.633×104
lb/mm 78.00 kb/(N·mm-1) 4.965×104
lc/mm 20.80 kc/(N·mm-1) 8.265×104

图 6 实例分析:四连接臂联轴器

3.1 运动学分析

基于表 1中的数据,从0开始,以6 mm为间隔增加联轴器偏心度至30 mm,根据式(4)和(5)求出并绘制夹角αβ随输入轴转角θ的变化曲线,如图 7所示。可以发现,随着θ变化,αβ分别以50°与135°为均值上下波动。随着e的增大,αβ的波动幅值逐渐增大。当e达到30.0 mm时,α的最大值或β的最小值将到达90°,机构到达死点位置。根据式(8)得到系统的最大偏心度emax=29.1 mm,即电机上下跳动的总行程为58.2 mm。根据文献中对内悬置电动轮的分析[10],行程达到52.0 mm即可满足内悬置电动轮的需求。当达到最大行程时,根据式(4)和(5)计算可知:αθ=39.46°时取得最小值,在θ=177.00°时取得最大值;βθ= 182.70°时取得最小值,在θ=324.00°时取得最大值。

图 7 夹角 αβ随转角θ的变化曲线

3.2 静载荷分析

取偏心量为20 mm、输入转矩为400 N·m,计算不同输入转角下连杆的受力并绘制在图 8中。由于两组平行连杆(杆a1a2和杆c1c2)所受轴向力两两大小相等而方向相反,下面只展示4个连接臂中杆a1bc1的受力情况。图中:3种颜色分别表示不同的连接臂,不同的线型表示不同的连杆。

图 8 联轴器各连杆受力随转角的变化

显然,4个连接臂的连杆受力对应的曲线形状相同,只是相位相差120°。杆a1c1受力幅值在400~1 300 N之间波动,为单向载荷。杆b的受力幅值相对较小,在±400 N之间波动,为循环载荷。

3.3 动载荷分析

选取一典型车轮高转速工况进行分析。取输入盘转速为1 000 r/min,输出盘相对输入盘在y轴方向上偏心度为0~20 mm,计算得到的动载荷结果见图 9

图 9 联轴器动载荷幅值和方向

图 9a为联轴器输出盘动载荷幅值的极坐标等高线图。极径表示联轴器的偏心度,极角表示联轴器的旋转角度。可以发现:载荷幅值变化与偏心度近似呈线性增长;偏心度在±10 mm以内时,等高线呈圆形;随着偏心度增大,等高线逐渐趋向于带圆角的正方形。在20 mm的偏心度下,最大动载荷约为35 N,约在10°、100°、190°和280°取得。相对输出盘(即车轮)的垂向负载(2 000~5 000 N)而言,该量级动载荷的影响可以忽略。依据文[18], Oldham联轴器的动载荷峰值为

$ F_{\text {peak, oldham }}=m e(2 \omega)^{2} \text {. } $ (36)

其中:m为中间盘质量,ω为转速。假设Oldham联轴器的中间盘质量和本文所提出的联轴器的中间杆件相同,即m=4(mc+mb+ma)。在20 mm的偏心度和1 000 r/min的转速下,Fpeak, oldham=343.5 N。该值约为本文所提出联轴器动载荷的10倍。

图 9b为联轴器输出盘动载荷的向量图。极径和极角分别表示联轴器的偏心度和旋转角度。图中“箭头”向量表示在对应偏心度和旋转角下动载荷合力大小和方向。图 9b中所有向量竖直向上,意味着对输入盘而言,动载荷的合力方向向下。这使得偏心的联轴器有一个回正的趋势,并且转速越高,偏心度越大,相应的回正力越大。

4 结论


1) 所提出的联轴器为一平面并联机构,可等速传递扭矩且轴向尺寸小、动载荷低,有利于内悬置电动轮的轮内布置。

2) 基于所建立的系统运动学和动力学模型而给出的解析计算方法,可以准确计算稳定运行状态下联轴器的偏心度、连杆静载荷和输出盘动载荷等性能参数。


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