Abstract:A quantitative risk assessment method was developed for urban waterlogging caused by rainstorms. The spatio-temporal distributions of water are simulated through a two-dimensional hydraulic model, with the losses caused by waterlogging then estimated from a vulnerability curve obtained using a domestic field investigation. An area in Xinluo District, Longyan, Fujian Province was chosen as the study area. The waterlogging risk was assessed by calculating the spatio-temporal water distribution and the disaster losses for various rainstorm scenarios. The results show that rainstorms with longer duration and longer return period cause more serious waterlogging and economic losses. The waterlogging points of different rainstorms are similar. The effects of drainage well capability on reducing the urban waterlogging risk were analyzed through economic loss estimated for various drain distributions. The results show that drainage wells effectively reduce the waterlogging risk, but the effect is limited during short and heavy rainstorms.
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