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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2020, Vol. 60 Issue (6): 493-499    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2020.25.018
  专题:能源领域中的多相流动基础及应用 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
冯乐乐, 吴玉新, 张海, 张扬, 岳光溪
清华大学 能源与动力工程系, 热科学与动力工程教育部重点实验室, 北京 100084
Effect of air flow rate and rotational speed on vortices between neighboring blades in turbo air classifiers
FENG Lele, WU Yuxin, ZHANG Hai, ZHANG Yang, YUE Guangxi
Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 研究转轮分离器相邻叶片间的流场对理解其气固分离行为非常重要。为此,该文利用粒子图像测速(particle image velocimetry,PIV)测量了不同转速、风量下转轮分离器叶片流道间的流场,然后利用坐标变换算法分析了相对切向速度和径向速度随转速的变化,并定量分析了叶片流道间旋涡的位置和涡量随转速、风量的变化。实验结果表明:在实验范围内,随着转速提高,旋涡先往转轮外部移动,再往转轮内部移动;随着转速提高,旋涡涡量先增大后减小;随着风量提高,旋涡位置变化不明显,而旋涡涡量不断增大;随着转速提高,总分离效率先升高后降低,切割粒径先减小后增大。这种非单调趋势可以用叶片间旋涡位置的变化和流道入口处相对切向速度的变化来解释。基于坐标变换的转轮机械流场分析可以避免拍摄时相机定位的误差,也便于分析气体相对于转动叶轮的运动。
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关键词 粒子分离粒子图像测速(PIV)算法颗粒流旋涡    
Abstract:The flow field between neighboring blades strongly affects the gas-solid separation in air classifiers. The flow field between adjacent blades in a turbo air classifier was measured using a PIV (particle image velocimetry) system for various impeller rotational speeds and air flow rates. A coordinate transformation based algorithm was then used to analyze the relative motion between the particles and the blades. The relative tangential and radial velocity profiles at the blade passage inlet were also analyzed for various rotational speeds along with the changes of the vortex position and vorticity. As the rotational speed increases, the vortex first moves outwards and then inwards as the vorticity first increases and then decreases. The vortex position does not change much as the air flow rate increases, while the vorticity increases greatly. The overall separation efficiency first increases and then decreases as the rotational speed increases, while the cut size first decreases and then increases. These non-linear relationships correspond to the effect of the impeller rotational speed on the vortex position and the relative tangential velocity. The flow field analysis based on the coordinate transformation helps eliminate camera positioning errors and improves understanding of the gas-solid flow relative to the impeller.
Key wordsparticle separation    particle image velocimetry (PIV)    algorithm    granular flow    vortex
收稿日期: 2019-09-20      出版日期: 2020-04-27
通讯作者: 吴玉新,副教授,     E-mail:
冯乐乐, 吴玉新, 张海, 张扬, 岳光溪. 转轮分离器风量和转速对叶片流道涡的影响[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 60(6): 493-499.
FENG Lele, WU Yuxin, ZHANG Hai, ZHANG Yang, YUE Guangxi. Effect of air flow rate and rotational speed on vortices between neighboring blades in turbo air classifiers. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2020, 60(6): 493-499.
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