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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2017, Vol. 57 Issue (2): 197-201    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2017.22.014
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阿不都萨拉木·达吾提1, 于斯音·于苏普2, 艾斯卡尔·艾木都拉2
1. 新疆大学 软件学院, 乌鲁木齐 830046;
2. 新疆大学 信息科学与工程学院, 乌鲁木齐 830046
Emotion recognition from Uyghur sentences based on combinations of class discrimination words and a sentiment dictionary
Abdusalam Dawut1, Hussein Yusuf2, Askar Hamdulla2
1. School of Software, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China;
2. School of Information Science and Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
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摘要 该文在类别区分词特征选择方法的基础上,针对维吾尔文中的生气、高兴、难过、惊讶等句子的情感类别提出了类别区分词与情感词典相结合的方法,进行了句子情感分类研究。结合维吾尔语文本句子中的情感表达特点,利用类别区分词特征选择方法,提取了最有类别区分能力的特征词,并进行了情感分类。通过人工抽取方法收集了维吾尔文句子中能表达情感的关键词,并建立了一个基础情感词典。将该词典与类别区分词结合在一起作为特征,对维吾尔文句子的情感类型有效地进行了分类。实验结果表明类别区分词与情感词典相结合方法的分类效率优于只用类别区分词特征选择方法。
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关键词 类别区分词情感词典句子情感情感分类维吾尔语    
Abstract:This paper presents a recognition method for Uyghur sentence sentiments, such as anger, happiness, sadness and wonder based on combining class-discrimination words (CDW) and a sentiment dictionary. The sentiment expression characteristics in the Uyghur sentence text are identified from features extracted using a CDW feature selection method for the emotion recognition. A set of emotional words is collected manually and put into a sentiment dictionary which is combined with the CDW feature words for the emotion recognition. Tests show that the combined method is more effective than only the CDW feature based method.
Key wordsclass discrimination word    sentiment dictionary    sentence sentiment    emotion recognition    Uyghur
收稿日期: 2016-06-22      出版日期: 2017-02-15
ZTFLH:  TP391.1  
通讯作者: 艾斯卡尔·艾木都拉,教授,     E-mail:
阿不都萨拉木·达吾提, 于斯音·于苏普, 艾斯卡尔·艾木都拉. 类别区分词与情感词典相结合的维吾尔文句子情感分类[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 57(2): 197-201.
Abdusalam Dawut, Hussein Yusuf, Askar Hamdulla. Emotion recognition from Uyghur sentences based on combinations of class discrimination words and a sentiment dictionary. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2017, 57(2): 197-201.
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  表1 维吾尔文文本情感例句
  表2 维吾尔语文本预处理中的停用词表
  图1 维吾尔文句子情感分类的系统结构图
  表3 平衡数据集的情感分类结果
  表4 非平衡数据集的情感分类结果
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