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Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)    2014, Vol. 54 Issue (1) : 1-7     DOI:
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Sybil defenses in DHT networks based on social relationships
Xinhui HAN(),Xianquan XIAO,Jianyu ZHANG,Bingshuang LIU,Yuan ZHANG
Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
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The Sybil attack, which creates a large amount of fake node identities to break the normal routing process in the peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, is the main threat faced by distributed networks. A Social-DHT protocol was developed using the properties of social relationships to mitigate Sybil attacks in distributed Hash table (DHT) networks using random walks over the social relationships. In addition, a model is given using a formalized definition to analyze the successful probability of searches. Simulations show that the Social-DHT routing table includes less than 3% of the Sybil nodes when there are 10000 attack edges and the successful search ratio reaches 99%, which is better than existing methods.

Keywords peer-to-peer (P2P)      distributed Hash table (DHT)      Sybil attack      social networks     
Issue Date: 15 January 2014
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Xinhui HAN
Xianquan XIAO
Jianyu ZHANG
Bingshuang LIU
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Xinhui HAN,Xianquan XIAO,Jianyu ZHANG, et al. Sybil defenses in DHT networks based on social relationships[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2014, 54(1): 1-7.
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实验方法 随机游走
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Whanau 5 rf=100
20 20
Social-DHT 5 rb=128
5 8
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